Where and How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees in Washington State after Christmas
2024 and in January 2025

In many urban and suburban areas, Christmas trees are collected from curbside during the first 2 weeks in January. Be sure to remove all
remove all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, stands, other
NON-Organic decorative materials and other materials that are not part
of the original tree. This includes tree stands also. Flocked trees are usually accepted, but not artificial trees. Large trees (larger
than the standard 6 - 7 ft tree) may need to be cut in half to
be acceptable by your
garbage hauler. But scrroll down this page for more specific
information and local links.
What happens to the trees? In most cases, the trees are chipped and made into a mulch
which is usually made available, free to city or county residents.
Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove.
Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and could cause a
chimney fire.
Tips: Always follow the links (usually the name of the city or county) below for updated information, as these agencies often wait until the last minute to change dates or
update their information (it's government, remember?). If your area is
not specifically mentioned below, contact your trash collection agency and inquire!
Related information:
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
If it has just snowed; see
this page about how to make snocones from real snow!
Your kids will love it!
Click here for the list of winter sleigh ride locations!
See our easy recipes to
make a
Chocolate Yule log
click here to make your own low-fat,
low calorie but delicious Egg Nog
! Then come back to our
other website in March to
find a
local Easter Egg Hunt for your children
! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
Washington State: Where and How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree After the Holidays January 2025
- Seattle, WA - Residents can compost Christmas trees and other holiday greens free
of charge. each collection day. Phone: (206) 684-3000.
At the Curb:
Food and yard waste subscribers can put trees and greens out on
their regular collection day, from December 26 to January 31. Cut trees into sections, 4 feet long
or shorter, with branches trimmed to less than four feet to fit into
the collection trucks. Place on the curb next to your food and
yard waste cart on your regular collection day. Here are the
Trees must be cut to 4-foot lengths and the trunk diameter should not exceed 4 inches.
branches to less than 4-feet to fit into the collection trucks
Bundle each section with string or twine (not plastic or nylon)
Remove any metal, lights, ornaments, or other decorative objects
Flocked and plastic trees or wreaths aren't recyclable and will be
charged as extra garbage.
At apartments: One tree may be placed next to
each food and yard waste cart at no extra charge each collection
At transfer stations:
Click here for locations, updated information and more details.
Clean Christmas trees are accepted for free. After January 31st, regular fees apply (see hours and locations). Remove all decorations, tree
flocking, and wiring.
Trees cannot exceed 8 feet in length. Trunks cannot exceed 4 inches in diameter. Stations will accept up to 3 trees per
North Station - 1350 North 34th Street, Seattle 98103
South Station - 130 South Kenyon Street, Seattle 98108
- Auburn, WA - Christmas Tree Recycling Event: 1st week in January. At your curbside or alley (where your garbage is collected). Single-family & duplex residents:
Place your tree/wreath by your carts on your garbage collection day by 7:00 AM.
Mobile home park residents: Check with your property manager
on where to place your tree/wreath on garbage collection day by 7:00 AM.
Multifamily residents: Place your tree/wreath by the garbage
collection area by 7:00 AM
Cut tree into 4 foot pieces or smaller.
Tree truck should be no wider than 4inches in diameter.
Remove all garland, tinsel, and ornaments.
No flocked or imitation trees/wreaths or other debris is accepted.
Limit 1 tree and wreath per
Do not block containers for collection.
[email protected]
or call 253-931-3038, option
Holiday Light Recycling: Don't throw
away those holiday lights! Recycle them from early December through
late January.
View a list of participating schools and businesses (PDF). Accepted: ALL types of non-working, working, broken & unwanted
holiday light strands and extension cords. -
Bellevue, WA
- Easy ways to recycle your
Christmas tree: If you're wondering how to dispose of the
Christmas tree after the holidays, the Bellevue Utilities
Department has the answers. Please do not dump Christmas trees
in or near streams, as they can block water flow and cause
flooding. Residents with yard debris service can put Christmas
trees at the curb for pickup on their regular collection day:
Trees must be free of all tinsel, ornaments and metal hangers to
be accepted. Cut the tree into four-foot lengths or less and tie
into bundles less than two-feet wide. Use biodegradable string
or twine -- no nylon, plastic or other synthetic materials. Set
the cut-up tree next to your yard debris cart.
Flocked trees
(with tinsel, ornaments, etc.) should be cut up and put in
garbage. If you have questions, please call Allied Waste at
At the Curb:
Single-family residents can put Christmas trees and other greens
out on your regular collection day. Cut trees into sections,
four feet long or shorter, with branches trimmed to less than
four feet to fit into the collection trucks. Bundle each section
with twine (not plastic). Decorated, flocked and plastic trees
are not recyclable, and will be charged as extra garbage.
At Apartments and Condos:
Check with your manager. The same handling rules apply from "At
the Curb."
Questions: Contact Republic Services at
425-452-4762 or www.RepublicBellevue.com.
There are other options for disposal of your
Pacific Topsoils, 1733 127th Ave. NE, will accept
trees. There is a $3 fee per tree. Call 800-884-7645 for
Boy Scout Troop 600
They will collect trees from the area between Lake Washington and I-405 and from I-90 north to 520, plus Yarrow Point, Hunts Point and
Evergreen Point. Or you can take your tree to Clyde Hill Elementary from 9 am to 3 pm on the second Saturday in January. A $20
donation is requested for pickup or drop off. To arrange a tree collection, either:
1. Visit
Boy Scout Troop 600 recyclemytree,
2. email
[email protected]
3. call (425) 998-6001 to schedule a pick up.
Boy Scout Troop 662
See their website; it only says "Tree recycling January 1; call or email to see if they will collect trees
In Bellevue: north of I-90 (areas east of I-405) and south of
I-90 (all areas). To schedule a pickup, send an e-mail to Troop
662 Tree Pickup. Include a contact name, phone number and
address, with unit number if it's an apartment. A $10 donation
is requested. Details about when tree will be picked up and
preparation will be e-mailed. - Clark County, WA - The following options are available
for recycling Christmas trees:
Collection: Clark County, Vancouver, Ridgefield, Camas,
Battle Ground, Yacolt, and Washougal yard debris curbside recycling
customers may set out tree (5 feet or less) in or next to their yard
debris cart on regular yard debris collection day. The yard debris
cart should be placed next to the tree. If tree is in addition to
the 96-gallon limit of yard debris, a fee of $2.67 to $3.25 will be
charged depending on your collection area. Before recycling, remove
all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments and other materials that are not
a part of the original tree. Wreaths and swags can also be recycled,
but take them off of the frames and wires. Waste Connections will pick up trees from customers with yard debris or organics collection or regular
garbage service available in most parts of the county.To recycle trees, Waste Connections customers with yard debris or organics service can:
Place trees smaller than 5 feet in the yard debris or organics cart at no extra charge
Place a single tree, cut into sections of 5 feet or less,
next to an empty yard debris or organics cart at no extra charge
Place a single tree, cut into sections of 5 feet or less, next to a full yard
debris cart for an additional fee
Customers who do not have yard debris or organics service can put cut trees next to their garbage containers
and pay for an extra 32-gallon collection. Trees collected with garbage will be sent to the landfill and won't be recycled.
Drop off: Or take your tree to: (NOTE: prices MAY have been raised, but are still less than $5)
Central Transfer and Recycling Center, 11034 NE 117th Avenue
Vancouver WA. (360) 256-8482. $1 each (limit three trees).
Bark, 2419 NE Andresen Road Vancouver, WA . (360) 253-8461. No
H&H Wood Recyclers, 8401 NE 117th Avenue, Vancouver, WA.
(360) 892-2805. $1 each.
McFarlane's Bark, 8806 NE 117th Avenue,
Vancouver, WA. (360) 892-6125. $3 each.
Triangle Resources, 612
SE Union, Camas, WA. (360) 834-7253. $2 each.
West Van Materials Recovery Center,
6601 NW Old Lower River Road, Vancouver, WA. (360)-737-1727. $1 each
(limit three trees).
Scouts BSA will collect trees for recycling in many areas of Clark County on the second Saturday in January, .
The service is free, but donations will be accepted. Scout units may distribute door hangers with pick-up instructions and contact information in
their designated areas prior to January 8th
For more information call Clark County
Environmental Services, Solid Waste Program, (360) 397-2121 ext.
4352. Note: If 10,000 trees were recycled we would save the weight
of a blue whale in waste from entering landfills.
- King County, WA
has several options for recycling your Christmas tree and Christmas lights. By recycling your Christmas tree, you'll give it a new life as wood chips or
compost! And, you'll help reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to
climate change
. Curbside pickup and City-sponsored events:
your tree on the curb for collection with your regular yard
See this page for all the options in King County and details
(way too much to put on this page here)
Lewis County, WA
- Tuesday, early-January - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Residents can drop off their Christmas trees, burned out holiday lights, block Styrofoam and food
service Styrofoam from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the parking lot outside the Centralia transfer station at 1411 S. Tower Ave. Please remove all
decorations and tinsel from the trees. Flocked and artificial trees will not be accepted. You may dispose of them at the transfer station, where
regular fees will apply ($15 minimum for 280 pounds or less.) Donations will be accepted to support WSU Lewis County Master Recycler Composter and
Master Gardener volunteer community outreach programs. This event is offered in cooperation with Pacific Mobile and Lewis County Solid Waste
Utility. For more information, email:
[email protected],. in the parking lot before you enter the Lewis County Central Transfer Station, 1411 S.
Tower Ave., Centralia, WA 98531. Event hours will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Volunteers will accept undecorated Christmas trees, block and
food service Styrofoam, and unwanted holiday lights. The event is offered for free, but volunteers do accept donations to support their education
and outreach programs they offer throughout the year. Please remove all decorations and tinsel from trees.
No flocked or artificial trees will be accepted. Flocked, artificial
or decorated trees may be disposed of at the transfer station where
regular fees will be charged ($10 minimum for 200 pounds or less).
Wreaths must be free of ribbon, wire and decorations. No trees or
wreaths from commercial operations will be accepted.
Styrofoam: Styrofoam dropped off during the special recycling days
must be clean, dry and free of all tape and labels. This event is
unable to accept foil-covered Styrofoam, spray-in Styrofoam,
Insta-Pak foam, blue or pink installation foam, hot tub covers or
Styrofoam peanuts. (Please find re-use opportunities for peanuts at
local shipping companies).
For more information on the Christmas
tree, holiday lights and Styrofoam recycling days, call 360-740-1452, 360-740-1216 or 1-800-749-5980.
For more information download the flyer here
Don't forget
you can recycle your natural corks at the Central Transfer Station
or the East Lewis County Transfer Station, just ask a staff person
for directions.(Natural corks only No screw-top caps or plastic
- Mercer Island, WA - Offers Free Christmas Tree Recycling via one of the following options:
Your yard waste cart. Undecorated and unflocked
Christmas trees now accepted; as long as they fit completely in the cart (which means you may have to cut them in half)!
Tree Recycling: All curbside yard waste
customers can set holiday trees out on their regularly scheduled
collection day. Trees must be free of flocking, tinsel, ornaments,
and metal hangers, cut to 4-foot lengths, and tied into bundles less
than 2 feet by 3 feet. Use biodegradable string or twine to secure
bundles instead of nylon, plastic, or other synthetic materials.
(Note: Flocked trees are not recyclable and will not be accepted;
put flocked trees in the garbage.)
For more information, contact
the City's Maintenance Department at (206) 275-7608.
- Pierce County, WA - Residents who subscribe to yard waste
collection service can treecycle their unflocked Christmas tree
curbside. Other residents can recycle trees free of charge if they
self-haul to transfer stations in Pierce County
. Flocked trees
cannot be recycled and must be disposed of as garbage.
Your Christmas Tree: Pierce County residents who subscribe to yard
waste collection service can treecycle their unflocked Christmas
tree curbside. Other residents can recycle trees free of
charge if they self-haul to transfer stations in Pierce County.
Flocked trees cannot be recycled and must be disposed of as garbage.
The cities of Milton, Orting, Tacoma, Puyallup and Ruston have
special collection programs for households within their city limits.
Contact your city hall or local garbage hauler for more details.
How To Treecycle: Remove the tree stand, tinsel, decorations and any
nails or staples, Place the tree in your yard waste container for
pick up on your regularly scheduled collection day, Flocked trees cannot be recycled and must be thrown in the garbage. The tree must fit into the
closed container (you may have to cut the tree into pieces)
What Happens to the Trees Collected: All trees collected
Cascade Compost,
a beneficial soil amendment that is popular
with home and commercial gardeners. Treecycling helps save
valuable landfill space, while the compost created enhances soil
quality, saves water and reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers.
- Renton, WA - Renton residents can easily recycle holiday trees in one of the
following ways. Trees may be put out for weekly yard waste pickup by
first removing all hooks, ornaments, tinsel and stands. Branches and
trunk should be cut into lengths of four feet or less, and then
bundled with natural fiber or string. No artificial, fireproofed or
flocked trees will be accepted. More information on recycling your
holiday tree can be found at King County Solid Waste's tree
recycling site or by calling King County Solid Waste at
206-296-4466. For more information, call the City of Renton
Recycling Coordinator at 425-430-7396 or 425-430-7397. Also see King
County above.
Cub Scouts Pack 495 performs Christmas tree curbside pickup and
recycling as fundraiser in the Renton Highlands area. Your donations are a critical part of our ability to provide a quality Scouting program
for local youth. Your recycle tree will be turned into mulch for local parks. We thank you for your support.
When: 1st Saturday of January @ 9am
Where: Your home (if you see this envelope at your doorstep) OR you can drop off your tree at Maplewood Heights Elementary 9am-12pm.
How: Place
your donation in the envelope provided and secure your tree at curbside.
Donation: Make checks payable to BSA Pack 495. Cash is also accepted.
100% of donations go towards Pack 495 youth activities including Summer Camp.
We do not accept artificial trees.+
Sammamish, WA and neighboring Issaquah Highlands
Boy Scout Tree Collection
the first Saturday each January. LET SAMMAMISH SCOUTS RECYCLE YOUR TREE! This is the primary fundraiser for Troop 571, 5749, 636,
677, 695, 8695 and 751. The Boy Scouts have a pick up service! Click on the link at left.
There is a map of their coverage area here
. Scouts will be in your neighborhood in Sammamish and Issaquah
Highlands on
Curbside Pickup Day Saturday early-January, Please place your tree and donation curbside by 8:00 AM. We pickup in Sammamish and the
Issaquah Highlands in exchange for a donation.
Suggested donation is $18 to $28 per tree
Donation Options
1. Donate online at
Donate by PayPal (preferred)
2. Attach check to tree payable to: "Scouts BSA"
3. Postal mail
a check to street address on Donate by Mail page.
Please have
your tree out by the curb by 8:00am.to pickup your Christmas tree curbside in exchange for a donation.
See their website for more information.
- Shoreline, WA - Residents
put Christmas trees of a certain size and type
curbside for collection. Please remove all hooks, ornaments, tinsel,
and tree stands before bringing your tree to be recycled. Flocked,
artificial and garden trees, branches, wreaths, and swags will not
be accepted. If there is snow or ice on the road on event day, call
(206) 801-2450 for a recorded message of the event's status. If the
event is cancelled or you cannot make it to the event, other options
for disposal of holiday trees in Shoreline include:
If you have
Recology CleanScapes yard debris collection, recycle your tree
curbside. Cut your tree into 4 foot lengths, and place them next to
your yard debris container at the curb for collection at no cost. No
flocked, tinseled, or artificial trees are accepted; and trees
without a yard debris cart next to them will not be collected.
you have a flocked, tinseled or an artificial tree, and you have
Recology CleanScapes curbside garbage collection, cut it to fit
inside your garbage cart for free collection. If the tree is taller
than 4 feet, cut it into 4 ft. sections, and put them next to your
garbage cart for a collection cost of $4.56.
Recycle your tree
for a cost at the Shoreline Recycling and Transfer Station at 2300
N. 165 St. Please call (206) 477-4466 for information on rates.
Recycle your tree for a fee at Pacific Topsoils in North Seattle
(1212 N 107th St, Seattle) or Kenmore (7500 NE 175th St, Kenmore).
The City of Shoreline does not endorse or guarantee any services.
questions, contact Tina Kendall, Environmental Programs Assistant,
at (206) 801-2450 or
[email protected]
- Spokane Valley, WA - On the first 2 weekends of January from 9am-3pm: Let Troop 400 recycle your Christmas tree. Convenient, Inexpensive, All proceeds support our
Scout troop to pay for outdoor activities, service projects, supplies, patches, leadership training, and more. Please contact us if you would like
more information. $5 per tree if you drop it off* $20 per tree if we pick it up at your home* (*minimum suggested donation). 9 am to 3pm, Sat & Sun,
IFOR $20 PICK-UP SERVICE: Please fill out the
Christmas Tree Pick-up Request Form
(if the form is out of date,
see their website). Pick-up area is limited to the Spokane Valley area within approximately 12 minutes of CVHS or U-High (from
Liberty Lake to Ponderosa including Greenacres, Morningside, Bella Vista, U-High area, Midilome, Painted Hills, and northward into East Valley as
well.) We cannot pick up from addresses West of Park Rd. We will do our best to accommodate all requests, so please ask!
- Thurston County, WA - Residents can have their
Christmas Tree Recycled after the holiday season, free Christmas tree collection and drop-off opportunities are available county-wide. You can find
all of the tree recycling locations and curbside options on the Thurston County web page.
- Vancouver, WA - Christmas Tree recycling: Many options
exist for recycling. In all cases, please remove tinsel, lights,
ornaments, wire, stands and other materials that are not part of the
Boy Scouts often do a curbside tree collection in early
January. Watch for a door-hanger providing event details.
Curbside yard debris subscribers can cut down their Christmas tree
to fit in their yard debris cart. If the cart is already full,
subscribers can place their Christmas tree alongside their cart and
have it collected as a yard debris extra for an additional fee
(approx. $3) in the City of Vancouver. Garbage collectors will pick
up flocked or artificial trees, up to 6 feet tall, for a fee of
$6.50 in the City of Vancouver. Rates vary in other parts of Clark
Christmas trees can also be recycled for a fee at the
transfer stations, H & H Wood Recyclers, City Bark and McFarlane's
Bark. Prices vary, but they are generally in the $1 to $5 range.
call before going to check hours or get answers to questions:
Central Transfer
Recycling, 11034 N.E. 117th Ave., (360) 256-8482. $1 per tree, up to
three trees.
City Bark, 2419 N.E. Andresen Road, (360) 253-8461.
No charge.
H&H Wood Recyclers, 8401 N.E. 117th Ave., (360)
892-2805. $1 per tree.
McFarlane's Bark, 8806 N.E. 117th Ave.,
(360) 892-6125. $3 per tree.
Triangle Resources, 612 S.E. Union
St., Camas, (360) 834-7253. $2 per tree.
Washougal Transfer
Station, 4020 S. Grant St., (360) 835-2500. $1 per tree, up to three
West Van Materials Center, 6601 N.W. Old Lower River Road,
(360) 737-1727. $1 per tree, up to three trees.
In addition to the
various options shown above, The new RecycleRight App for smart
phones and tablets is available for free through the Apple iTunes or
GooglePlay stores. To access it fast,
visit the City's website
and click on your app store button. A web-version of the
Recycling A-Z wizard is also available there, making it easy for
everyone to use.
And a variety of nonprofit organizations work to
collect and recycle cut Christmas trees for a nominal fee.
For more information on the RecycleRight App, Christmas tree
recycling and other ways to reuse, reduce and recycle, call
360-619-4120 or visit
Broken, Tangled or Old Holiday Lights - Please
do not place them in your recycling cart; they will tangle on
sorting machinery at the recycling facility and create a hazard for
workers. Instead, recycle them at Earth Friendly Recycling, E H
Metal Recycling and at the Lacamas Lake Lowes. Spread cheer. Many
local thrift stores will accept lights that are in good condition.
See Recycling A-Z for more information.
All other areas of the state (just enter your zip code on the page that comes up)