Find local Christmas tree farms here!

After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree! And to recycle used, broken or old Christmas lights and electronics See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights

When should you take the Christmas tree, lights and decorations down? See this page for traditions and standards

Help me keep this page complete and up to date, by reporting any corrections needed or suggesting farms to add!

My Christmas Tree guide has photos and descriptions of more than 2 dozen varieties of Christmas trees, along with a simple comparison chart!

If it has just snowed; see this page about how to make snocones from real snow! Your kids will love it!


  • If the name of the farm is blue with an underline; that's a link to their website or Facebook page. Click on it for the most current hours and information.
  • ALWAYS email or call the farm or store BEFORE YOU GO - many farms have closed in the past year, and of course, we won't know until the season starts and we find they aren't open! Call to confirm their supply, their hours and whether they have trees, are allowing choose-and-cut or just precut trees; and which attractions or winter activities are available. All three can change during the short Christmas season, due to weather, demand and the farmer's business conditions! Farms get sold, shut down or run out of trees, and they don't all update me every day, let alone every year. For more tips to make your trip fun and successful, click here !
    DON'T DRIVE OUT THERE IF YOU CAN'T REACH THEM (by phone, email or find current information on their website or Facebook page!
  • And please tell the farmer you visit in Shenandoah Valley (Rockbridge, Rockingham, Augusta, Highland and Bath counties) that you found their farm here! I need the farmers to realize that you found them here so that they will keep their information up to date!

If you want to provide feedback about a farm or the website , please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more. After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!

Looking for more info?  

Updates for February 2025

February 2025:

After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree! And to recycle used, broken or old Christmas lights and electronics See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights

When should you take the Christmas tree, lights and decorations down? See this page for traditions and standards

In March, you'll want to take your children to a free Easter egg hunt - see our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt - ( . It's the ONLY website that is updated every Easter for all Easter Egg hunts in the U.S.

Christmas tree farms, lots and activities, sorted by county

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

Augusta County

  • Boy's Home (Tannehill) Christmas Tree Farm - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Trees baled, twine available, Christmas Shop, restrooms, and refreshments.
    1118 Bear Wallow Flat, West Augusta, VA 24485. Phone: (540) 965-7700; FAX (540) 965-7702. Email: [email protected]. Open: Beginning the Friday after Thanksgiving, 10 am to 4 pm each Saturday and Sunday until the Sunday before Christmas. Directions: From Staunton, take Route 250 west toward Monterey for 16 miles. Turn left onto Route 629 (Deerfield Valley Road) and go 3 and a half miles. Turn left onto Route 688 (Old Parkersburg Turnpike) and go 200 yards to first right and turn onto Route 689 (Bear Wallow Flat). Follow the signs to BOYS' HOME TANNEHILL Tree Farm & GIFT SHOP.
    Christmas tree varieties:
    You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: pine, Scotch pine, Norway spruce, blue spruce, and concolor fir.
  • Chittum Tree Farm - Precut Christmas trees, saws are provided, wreaths. Assistance if needed. Twine for tying in trunk or on roof of car. Beautiful mountain scenery.
    367 Green Hill Lane, P.O. Box 78, Churchville, VA 24421. Phone: 540-337-6625. Email: [email protected]. Open: from 2 pm to 5 pm, weekdays; 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday and 12 pm to 5 pm Sunday, beginning Thanksgiving. Directions: From Staunton, take Route 250 west 6 miles to Churchville; left on Route 42 south 0.2 mile, left on Green Hill Lane (Route 836), 1 mile to farm gate.
    Christmas tree varieties:
    PreCut varieties: Fraser Fir.
    (UPDATED: November 16, 2020)
  • Creative Works Farm - Christmas Wonderland
    107 Creative Works Lane, Waynesboro, VA 22980. Phone: 540-471-1659. Email: [email protected]. Open: from Friday, December 4, 2020 to Saturday, December 12, 2020, from 5 pm to 8 pm. Visit our Christmas Wonderland at Creative Works Farm! Join us for a walk through light display in Adaville (our 50's themed town), music light shows, visit Santa in his workshop, cookies and hot chocolate, let the kids decorate gingerbread cookies with Mrs Claus in our giant Gingerbread House, make Christmas ornaments and see animals at the barn, enjoy a wagon ride, and more! $10 per person, kids 2 and under are free. All proceeds benefit Camp LIGHT! Tickets must be purchased in advance, are valid only on the date purchased for, and tickets are limited! (ADDED: November 16, 2020, JBS)
  • Francisco Farms
  • Francisco Farms - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Precut Christmas trees, saws are provided, Mountain views, Tailgate picnicking welcome, Cutting assistance if needed.
    343 Bethel Green Road, Staunton, VA 24401. Phone: 540-885-3008. Open: 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday; 2 to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, beginning Friday after Thanksgiving until Sunday before Christmas. Directions: 9 miles south of Staunton or 20 miles north of Lexington on Route 11. Right at Riverheads High School on Route 701 and 2.3 miles to Bethel Church. Right on Route 693 and 7/10 mile to first farm on left. From I-81, take exit 213 or 213-B; then north a few yards to Route 701. Turn left on Route 701 and follow directions above. Hand-sheared white pine, 6-9 ft.; wreaths and roping.
    Christmas tree varieties:
    You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: White Pine, Blue Spruce, & Canaan Fir
    PreCut varieties: Fraser Fir
  • Garman Christmas Trees - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Christmas trees- you choose and we cut, Precut Christmas trees, trees tied, saws provided,
    82 George Home Rd, Waynesboro, VA 22980. Phone: 540-943-2884. Email: [email protected]. Open: Monday to Saturday 9 am to 5 pm Sunday 12:30 pm to 5 pm. Directions: From Hugh K Cassell School go west on Cattle Scales Road turn Left onto George Home Road 82 George Home Road. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
    Christmas tree varieties:
    You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Blue Spruce, Eastern White Pine, Norway Spruce, Scotch Pine, White Pine.
    You Choose and We cut varieties: Eastern White Pine, Norway Spruce, Scotch Pine, White Pine.
    PreCut varieties: Eastern White Pine, Fraser Fir, White Pine.
  • Long Meadow Tree Farm - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Christmas trees- you choose and we cut, Precut Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths, Santa appearancesSanta visits -check their website for dates and hours, trees tied, tree shaking provided, saws provided,
    296 Miller Rd, Waynesboro, VA 22980. Phone: 540-649-4307. Email: [email protected]. Open: 7 days a week starting Friday after Thanksgiving through December 21st; We are open from 10 am to dark. Directions: From Waynesboro: Take Route 254 toward Staunton. Take a left onto Route 796 (Kiddsville Rd). At the top of the hill, take a right onto Miller Road (Route 797) and follow the signs. From Staunton, take Route 275 until it runs into Route 254. Stay on Route 254 until you get to the intersection of Route 254 and Route 608. Take a left onto Miller Road (Route 797) and follow the signs. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
    Christmas tree varieties:
    You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Norway Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir), White Pine.
    You Choose and We cut varieties: Blue Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir, Norway Spruce, White Pine.
    PreCut varieties: Fraser Fir.
  • Turk Mountain Tree Farm - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, saws provided,
    Purple Cow Road, Waynesboro, VA 22980. Phone: 540-949-8183. Directions: 5 miles North of Waynesboro on East Side Hwy.(Rt.340), right on Purple Cow Road, farm is 3/4 mi. on left. And for a map to our farm, click here. Open: December 1 thru December 21, from 10 am to 4:30 pm, every day, including Sundays. No need to call; it's self-service if no one is there. The entrance will be locked after hours. Saws, twine & netting available. Payment: Cash, Check. 2008 Prices $20.00 for White Pine any size, $30.00 for all others any size. ( Same as 2007 )
    Christmas tree varieties:
    U-Choose and Cut your own: White Pine, Scotch Pine, Blue, Norway, & White Spruce, Douglas Fir.

Bath County

Buena Vista (City of)

Harrisonburg (City of)

Highland County

Lexington (City of)

Rockbridge County

  • Grouse Ridge Christmas Tree Farm - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut,
    743 Pisgah Road, Raphine, VA 24472. Phone: (540) 348-1491. Open: Wednesday through Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm, beginning December 1.Directions: From Staunton via I-81, go south or from Lexington via I-81, go north to exit 205. Go west on Route 606 through the village of Raphine to Route 252 (approximately 5 miles). Go right (north) on Route 252. Turn left (west) on New Providence Road by the church to Pisgah Road (Route 620). Take Pisgah Road to farm entrance on left (approximately 1 mile). Total distance from I-81 is approximately 7 miles. It is our hope that your visit to Grouse Ridge Farm will be a warm family outing to choose and harvest your very own Christmas tree. We provide saws and buggies to haul your tree. We will shape and lob it at no cost. Trees loaded on top of vehicle will be bagged and baled at a cost of $1.50. Assistance will be provided to load the tree. Special arrangements can be made for delivery of large trees, etc. Toilet facilities are available. When you stop in at our farm office and wreath shop to pay, bring the kids (old ones, too) for cookie treats and to help decorate our "Christmas Shop" tree. Special pricing on trees greater than 8 ft..Lightly-sheared firs and spruces growing in a beautiful remote mountainous area of northwestern Rockbridge County. Special orders taken on live wreaths.
    Christmas tree varieties:
    Choose and cut: Concolor fir, Douglas fir; White Serbian, Black Hill, Norway and a limited number of Colorado blue spruce.
    (UPDATED: November 02, 2022)
    A visitor writes on November 02, 2022: "Christmastree Rockbridge/Bath County Virginia. The farm is located in Raphine and Mr Firebaugh a 93 year young man owns it. It is still open. My family has been going there for 20 +years. "
  • Ridge Road Ranch Christmas Trees
  • Ridge Road Ranch - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Bow saws are provided, and netting is available.
    1250 Ridge Rd, Raphine, VA 24472. Phone: 540-377-5941. Email: [email protected]. Open Saturday from 10 am to 4:30 pm and Sunday from 1 pm to 4:30 pm; after Thanksgiving and the following weekend. Ridge Road Ranch is a family owned beginning in 1982, when the owners planted the first crop of white pines. Over the years have expanded the variety of planting to include Scotch Pine, Concolor Fir, and Canaan. Bow saws and twine are provided, and netting is available. Dogs are welcome if they are on a leash 2021 price is $75.00. Directions: From the North: I-81 exit 205, turn right on Raphine Rd. Go 1/10 of a mile and turn left on Oakland Court. Go one mile to end, turn left on Ridge Rd. The farm is one mile on right. From the South: I-81 exit 200, turn left on Sterrett Rd. Go 1/10 mile and turn right on Ridge Road.. Go 2 miles. Farm is on the left. Payment: Cash or checks.
    Christmas tree varieties:
    You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Scotch Pines, Canaan Fir, Concolor Fir, Nordmann Fir

Rockingham County

  • Family at Evergreen Christmas Tree FarmEvery Soul Acres (formerly called Evergreen Christmas Tree Farm) - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Christmas trees- you choose and we cut, Precut Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths, Christmas boughs, garlands, Christmas decorations, trees bagged, trees tied, tree shaking provided, trees baled, saws provided, gift shop, porta-potties
    2411 Flook Lane, Keezletown, VA 22832. Phone: 540 269 2691. Alternate Phone: 540 860 8040. Email: [email protected]. Open: from Friday after Thanksgiving to December 19, Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 5:30 pm Weekdays 3 pm to 5:30 pm. Directions: Just north of Harrisonburg. From Harrisonburg, Route 33 east 3 miles, left on Route 620 (Keezletown Road) at stoplight. Go straight through Keezletown and in 5 miles, turn right on Route 724 (Flook Lane) to farm. From Elkton, Route 33 west to Route 620 (Keezletown Road). Turn right and follow above directions. From Broadway, New Market, and points north, south to Mauzy I-81 interchange, south on Route 11 for 4 miles, left on Route 721 to T, right on Route 717, go 2 miles and turn left on Route 724 (Flook Lane) to farm. Follow the numerous signs. For a map to our farm, click here. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard. Beautiful country setting, Hundreds of gorgeous hand trimmed trees up to 15 foot tall. Large selection of beautiful hand-sheared Scotch pine, white pine, Norway spruce, and Colorado blue spruce for you to choose and cut from our fields. Fresh-cut Fraser fir, Douglas fir and Concolor fir. Live dug and potted trees ready to plant. Table top trees. Fresh wreaths, garland, swags, centerpieces and other decorations made daily in our Christmas Cottage. In the Harrisonburg area.Every Soul Acres facebook page
    Christmas tree varieties:
    You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Canaan Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Eastern White Pine, Norway Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir).
    You Choose and We cut varieties: Canaan Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir, Eastern White Pine, White Fir (Concolor Fir), White Pine.
    PreCut varieties: Colorado Blue Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir), Eastern White Pine, Fraser Fir, Norway Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir).
  • Ostlund Christmas Tree Farm
  • Ostlund Christmas Tree Farm - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, trees baled,
    6876 Kieffer Road, Singers Glen, VA. Phone: 540-746-0302. Open: Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm, Sundays from 12 pm to 5 pm; It gets dark quickly; please allow enough time to select your tree & to visit in the springhouse. Directions: For GPS, use 6876 Kieffer Road, Singers Glen Virginia 22850 or 8050 Sprucedale Drive, Singers Glen Virginia 22850 depending on which works for your GPS. All trees: Cut-your-own. Free hot chocolate served in the springhouse. Free ornament with each tree. Kids: Find the hidden candy cane tree. Bring your camera for a family photo on the sled outside the springhouse. Bring 10 food items to donate to Blue Ridge Area Food Bank & receive 1 FREE Bundle O' Boughs. Payment: We accept cash and checks (sorry, no debit or credit cards).
    Christmas tree varieties:
    You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Douglas Fir, Norway Spruce, Scotch Pines and White Pines.
    (ADDED: December 22, 2016, JBS)
  • Ratliff's Christmas Tree and Blueberry Farm -
  • Ratliff's Christmas Tree and Blueberry Farm - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, school tours
    19101 Ratliff Lane, Timberville, VA 22853. Phone: 540-896-2431. Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected]. Open: November 1st through December 24th,7 days a week 9:00am until dark. Directions: From Harrisonburg follow route 42 north to Broadway Va. Stay on route 42 until you reach stop light. Turn left on route 259 west and drive approximately 4 miles; turn right onto route 613/ north mountain road at the big blueberry sign. Follow the signs to our farm. July 1st through August 1st. Payment: Cash, Check. We are a pick your own Christmas tree farm. As well as selling Christmas Trees, Ratliff Tree Farm also has a Pick-Your-Own Blueberry Farm. We have over 950 plants that have the biggest and the best-tasting blueberries in the Shenandoah Valley. In 2017, Blueberries wee only $3.50 a pound. Click here for a link to our Facebook page. - Directions: 5 miles west of Timberville, Va. Click here for a map and directions. (UPDATED: June 14, 2021) (ADDED: July 10, 2016)

Staunton (City of)

Waynesboro (City of)


For Easter egg Hunts, Children's Consignment Sales, Local Farm Markets and other types of Farms, click here.