Top 10 WORST ideas of things to do with Christmas tree after Christmas
Every now and then, people tell me of things they've done with their Christmas trees after Christmas. Many are good, but some are more
reminiscent of Clark Griswold... or Cousin Eddy! So, I'm putting them here... I just have to go through old emails now.. Send me your ideas
(preferably from real world example, like world's dumbest people videos!
- Coasters - Cut and treat discs from the tree trunk to use as coasters. This suggestion comes fromLowe's.
Unfortunately, since most evergreens, especially Pines, have sap that is incredibly stick and loaded with turpentine; it would destroy your
furniture. To be fair, they do suggest you treat it. Um, how??? Have you ever tried to remove sap from anything? Hmm, I guess Lowe's
sell that, too!
- Cut your tree up for firewood for your fireplace - Terrible idea. Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove. Pines, firs and other evergreens have a high
content of flammable turpentine oils. Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup
and risk a chimney fire.
- Plant it in your yard - Yes, while it is true that some plants will take root from cuttings, Christmas trees won't. it's
dead R.I.P.
- To be continued...