How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas TreesWhere and How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees in Rhode Island after Christmas 2024 and in January 2025

How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees

In many urban and suburban areas, Christmas trees are collected from curbside during the first 2 weeks in January. Be sure to remove all remove all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, stands, other NON-Organic decorative materials and other materials that are not part of the original tree. This includes tree stands also. Flocked trees are usually accepted, but not artificial trees. Large trees (larger than the standard 6 - 7 ft tree) may need to be cut in half to be acceptable by your garbage hauler. But scrroll down this page for more specific information and local links.

What happens to the trees? In most cases, the trees are chipped and made into a mulch which is usually made available, free to city or county residents. Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove. Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and could cause a chimney fire.

Tips: Always follow the links (usually the name of the city or county) below for updated information, as these agencies often wait until the last minute to change dates or update their information (it's government, remember?). If your area is Grinding Christmas trees into mulchnot specifically mentioned below, contact your trash collection agency and inquire!

Related information:

See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights

If it has just snowed; see this page about how to make snocones from real snow! Your kids will love it!

Click here for the list of winter sleigh ride locations!

See our easy recipes to make a Chocolate Yule log and click here to make your own low-fat, low calorie but delicious Egg Nog ! Then come back to our other website in March to find a local Easter Egg Hunt for your children ! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Rhode Island: Where and How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree After the Holidays January 2025

  • In most towns and cities in Rhode Island, Christmas tree pickups are scheduled in January (the dates announced annually, usually right after New Year's day) on your regular trash pickup day. For your specific city or town, see the list below, and the contact phone numbers. Please remove all ornaments, decorations, tinsel and stands.
  • Providence:

    Christmas Tree Pickup January (Monday of the first full week in January to the last Friday in January on your collection day)
    The City of Providence is also reminding residents of the proper way to dispose of their Christmas trees after the holiday season. The City will begin free curbside pickup of Christmas trees beginning early January. The trees will be collected by Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation and turned into compost, a natural fertilizer that enriches soil and helps produce healthy plants and trees. Residents are urged to take the following steps to ensure that their tree will be picked up:
    Place trees at the curb on regular trash collection days
    All ornaments, tinsel, lights and tree stands must be removed from trees
    Do not place trees in any type of bag
    For more information, click here or contact the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services at 401-421-2489.

  • E-wastes: Drop off at the Rhode Island Recycling Center. Items accepted include televisions, computer monitors, computers, laptops and tablets ONLY. 
    NOTE: This is a state electronic waste collection site, which means any Rhode Island resident can recycle the above items here.

  • Other cities and towns:

    If you have a question about your community's recycling, trash, or leaf and yard waste collections, or if you need to obtain recycling bins, please contact the Department of Public Works in your city or town. They can answer questions specific to your town's program, such as your town's Christmas tree recycling dates, local e-Waste recycling availability, or special recycling events. Of course, this refers to real, not artificial trees, and you must remove all decorations, lights, the stand, etc.




    Barrington 247-1907 Place curbside on your regular collection day during the first 3 weeks of January.
    Bristol 253-4100 Christmas Trees will be collected on the same days as resident's trash days starting on after Christmas in  December and ending on a Friday in mid-January, usually around the 13th to 16th. The city only updates their website sporadically.  Place trees curbside by 6:00 am on your regular rubbish collection day. Trees must have all tree stands, lights, ornaments, and tree bags removed. Any residents needing to have a tree or yard waste removed after these dates are asked to call the Water Pollution Control Department at 401-253-8877 by 3:30PM on Thursdays to be placed on the Friday pick-up list for that week.
    Burrillville 568-4440 Ext. 12 The Town of Burrillville DOES NOT collect Christmas Trees curbside. Please do not place trees curbside with your weekly trash and recycling.. Holiday Trees must be brought to the Whipple Avenue Compost Facility. Please bring your Christmas trees to the Whipple Ave Recycling & Compost Facility on the 1st and 2nd Wednesdays and Saturdays of January. Residents are welcome to recycle other items accepted at the Whipple Ave Recycling & Compost Facility during the Christmas Tree drop off dates. Residents are reminded that Christmas trees with ornaments, tinsel, or trees in plastic bags will NOT be accepted. All trees MUST be cleaned free of all items prior to disposal.  
    Central Falls 727-746627-7466 Residents are free to bring unlisted large waste items to the Pawtucket Transfer Station or to the RI Central Landfill. Relevant charges will apply.
    Pawtucket Transfer Station 240 Grotto Ave Pawtucket, RI (401) 569-3977 (link herRI Central Landfill 65 Shun Pike Johnston, RI 02919 (401) 942-1430 (link here)
    Charlestown 364-123064-1230 Drop off at CRCC. 50 Sand Hill Road, Charlestown. Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri., Sat., 8am-4pm. Residential stickers are required, $20 fee per year. Bag tags are $15.00 per sheet ($3.00 each/sold as a sheet of 5).
    Coventry 822-9110 Christmas Trees are collected each January and must be placed curbside void of any plastic or ornaments.
    Cranston 780-317580-3175 Collected separately on your regular trash day for the first two weeks in January. Trees must be free of decoration including tinsel, garland, tree stand or other non-recyclable ornamentation. Please, no plastic tree bags.
    Cumberland 728-2400 Ext. 155 Christmas Trees: Trees and wreaths are not collected curbside and will not be accepted as trash. But they can be dropped off at the following locations after Christmas through the month of January.
    Real trees and wreaths shall be free of tinsel, ornaments, wire or bags, and can be dropped off for composting at:
    Tucker Field (2600 Mendon Rd)
    Northern Garage (66 Nate Whipple Hwy.)
    Pascale Highway Facility (17 Old Mendon Rd) from 8 AM- 2 PM.
    East Greenwicheenwich 886-8618 Put Christmas Trees curbside on your regular collection day during the scheduled weeks of January (see Collection Calendar on the DPW's website for the schedule), or drop off at the Transfer Station.
    The East Greenwich Transfer Station is located on Crompton Avenue between the Town Boat Ramp and the Sewage Treatment Plant. Regular Hours: Saturdays, 8 A.M to 4 P.M
    East Providence For questions or more information, please contact DPW Program Coordinator, nator,
    (401) 435-7701

    During the 2nd and 3rd weeks in January at the following locations:
    - Agawam Field
    - Hull St. Playground
    - Pierce Field
    - Central Ave Playground
    - Silver Spring Playground
    - Kent Field
    - Riverside Rec Field
    - Grassy Plain Park
    - Sabin Point Park
    - Carousel Parking Lot
    Exeter 295-1983 150 Christmas trees may be dropped off at the Exeter RI Transfer Station January through April.
    Foster Rambone Disposal: (401) 946-1360 There seems to be no information online! Call! online! Call!
    Glocester 568-5540 Drop off at Transfer Station during the month of January. Transfer Station, 121 Chestnut Hill Road, Chepachet, RI 02814. Phone: 401-568-1130. A visible Resident Sticker is required on all vehicles.
    Hopkinton 377-7790 Hopkinton residents can utilize the Town of Westerly's facilities, or the Town of Richmond's . See those cities in the list here. Both of these options have applicable fees
    Jamestown 423-7220 Drop off at the Transfer Station December through March,
    1218 North Road, Jamestown. Hours: Thurs.-Mon. 8:30-3:30 (Closed Tues. & Wed.) Phone: 423-1067. Available to residents with the purchase of a sticker, provided upon proof of residency at the Transfer Station.
    Johnston 231-4135 Picked up curbside on your regular collection day from December 26 to mid-January
    Lincoln 333-8424 Collected curbside as needed. Presumably, put them at the curb anytime during January (undecorated)
    Little Compton 635-4400 Drop off at the Little Compton Transf, 122 Amy Hart Path, Little Compton. in December and January.
    Middletown 824-6136 For PAYT users, Christmas trees are collected during one week in January (usually the second full week of January). Be sure to leave a trash or recycling cart with the user fee sticker on the curb (this helps the driver of the yard waste truck identify residents using the PAYT program). Collection is on residents' regular collection day.
    Narragansett 782-0635 Residents of South Kingstown and Narragansett may dispose of their Christmas Trees at no charge at the Rose Hill Regional Transfer Station from the end of December through the last week in January. Please remove all ornaments and tinsel prior to disposal.
    Newport 845-5613 Christmas trees are collected during one week in the month of January on your scheduled collection day. Trees will be picked up during the mid January pickup along with yard waste. Please plan accordingly with your tree, as there will not be another yard waste collection until the 2nd week of March . You can also drop them off at Transfer Station, free of charge.
    New Shoreham 466-3203 Drop off free of charge at new-shoreham Transfer Station the New Shoreham Transfer Station, 4 West Beach Rd., New Shoreham. Hours: 7am- 1:30pm; Summer: open Sun.-Wed., Fri. & Sat. (closed Thursdays); Winter: open Wed., Sat., Sun. Contact: 466-3234 or 234 or visit the Block Island Recycli.
    North Kingstown 268-1500 Ext. 601-1500 Ext. 601 Residents of South Kingstown and Narragansett may dispose of their Christmas Trees at no charge at the Rose Hill Regional Transfer Station from the end of December through the last week in January. Please remove all ornaments and tinsel prior to disposal.
    North Providence 232-0900 Ext. 233 Discarded trees can be left at curbside and will be collected during normal weekly trash removal, no plastic tree bags please.
    North Smithfield 767-2200 Ext. 345 Picked up curbside seasonally, generally during the two weeks after Christmas. See North Smithfield, RI website for specific program. Or, drop off at the North Smithfield, RI Recycle Center during hours of operation:
    Pawtucket 728-0500 Ext. 213 Place curbside on your regular collection day during the month of January, or drop off at the Pawtucket Transfer Station 305 Hedly Street, Portsmouth, RI 02871. Contact 401-293-5865. (fees may apply; call for pricing).
    Portsmouth 643-0359 Picked up curbside in January OR drop off at Department of Public Works.
    Providence 401-421-2489. free, curbside pick-up of Christmas trees will take place from Monday after New Year's Day through Friday of the 3rd week of January on regularly scheduled trash pickup days. All trees collected by the City will be delivered to the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation and recycled into compost. Any Providence resident wishing to take advantage of this free service must place their tree at their curb on the day of the week that trash and recycling pick-up is normally provided in their neighborhood. Trees must be free of all contaminants, such as garland, tinsel, lights, ornaments and should not be placed in a bag.
    Richmond 539-8474 Drop off at the Richmond, RI Transfer Station during the month of January.
    Scituate 647-3366 There is Nada, Zippo, Bupkus on their website about what to do with xmas trees. You'll have to call them. Department of Public Works (DPW Yard): 1 Lincoln Circle, North Scituate. Drop-off hours for specific items below: Sat. 8:30am-12pm. Contact: DPW 647-3366 (residents can call Monday to Friday from 7am-3:30pm) or see Scituate DPW website.
    Smithfield 233-1034 Christmas tree pickups are generally scheduled during the second week of January (dates announced annually) on your regular trash pickup day. Please remove all ornaments, decorations, tinsel and stands.
    South Kingstown 789-9331 Ext. 2259 Residents of South Kingstown and Narragansett may dispose of their Christmas Trees at no charge at the Rose Hill Regional Transfer Station each year from the end of December through the last week in January. Please remove all ornaments and tinsel prior to disposal. Click here for a flyer on Christmas Tree recycling.
    Tiverton 625-6760 Christmas trees (natural only) will be collected on your regular trash day from Monday after New Year's day through Friday, mid- January. Please place at curbside and remove lights, ornaments and tree stands. These dates may be adjusted based on weather.
    Warren 245-0200 Place curbside on your regular collection day during the first three weeks of January, or drop off at the Warren, RI Transfer Station.
    Warwick 738-2000 Ext. 6513 Real Christmas trees are picked up curbside the first two weeks of January (weather permitting). OR drop off at Municipal Recycling & Compost Facility.
    Westerly 348-2539 Christmas tree collection will start the first week of the new year and will continue until the end of January. They must be placed curbside no later than 7:00 AM. Please remove all artificial decorations such as tinsel, garland, plastic ornaments, lights, and bulbs. Please do not put trees in plastic bags, and please no artificial trees.
    Drop off at the Westerly, RI Transfer Station for a fee of $100/ton for brush, or free during the month of January. 39 Larry Hirsch Lane, Westerly. Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7:30-3:30. Closed on Sundays and most holidays. Phone: 348-2557
    West Greenwich 397-6110 Drop off at the Transfer Station during the month of January.
    West Warwick 822-9225 Christmas Tree Collection: Christmas trees will be collected on your regular collection day on a SEPARATE collection. They must be placed curbside no later than 7 am. Please remove all artificial decorations such as tinsel, garland, plastic ornaments, lights, and bulbs. Please do not put trees in plastic bags, and please no artificial trees.
    Woonsocket 767-8880 Curbside pickup for discarded Christmas trees will be available on normally scheduled trash pick-up days during the first 2 weeks in January.

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