After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
And to recycle used, broken or old Christmas lights and electronics
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
When should you take the Christmas tree, lights and decorations down? See this page for
traditions and standards
Help me keep this page complete and up to date, by
reporting any corrections needed or suggesting farms to add!
My Christmas Tree guide has photos and descriptions of
more than 2 dozen varieties of Christmas trees, along with a simple comparison chart!
If it has just snowed; see
this page about how to make snocones from real snow!
Your kids will love it!
- If the name of the farm is blue with an underline; that's a link to their website or Facebook page. Click on it for the most current hours and information.
- ALWAYS email or call the farm or store BEFORE YOU GO
- many farms have closed in the past year, and of course, we won't know until the season starts and we find they aren't open! Call to confirm their supply, their hours
and whether they have trees, are allowing choose-and-cut or just precut trees; and which attractions or winter activities are available.
All three can change during the short Christmas season, due to weather, demand and the farmer's business conditions! Farms get sold, shut down or run out of trees, and they don't all update me every day, let alone every year. For
more tips to make your trip fun and successful, click here
DON'T DRIVE OUT THERE IF YOU CAN'T REACH THEM (by phone, email or find current information on their website or Facebook page!
- And please tell the farmer you visit in York County, Pennsylvania that you found their farm
here! I need the farmers to realize that you found them here so that they will keep their information up to date!
If you want to provide feedback about a farm or the website
, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more. After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
Looking for more info?
Updates for February 2025
February 2025:
After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
And to recycle used, broken or old Christmas lights and electronics
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
When should you take the Christmas tree, lights and decorations down? See this page for
traditions and standards
In March, you'll want to take your children to a free Easter egg hunt
see our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt - (
. It's the ONLY website that is updated every Easter for all Easter Egg hunts in
the U.S.
Christmas tree farms, lots and activities, sorted by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
York County
Mad Radish Farm formerly 3 Gs Trees Cut Your Own Tree Farm - Precut Christmas trees, Christmas trees-you
choose and you cut, Christmas trees- you choose and we cut,
Santa visits
, Christmas boughs, Christmas decorations, tree shaking provided,
trees baled, saws provided, winter hay rides, bonfires, free hot
chocolate, gift shop, picnic area, school tours
1991 George
Street, Dover, PA 17315. Phone: 717-308-1261. Email:
[email protected]. Open:Cut Your Own Tree Farm hours:
Starting Friday after Thanksgiving; Friday and Saturday 8 am to 5
pm; Sundays 12 pm to 5 pm; Off season availability hours
negotiable; Call for details; Pick your own pumpkins starting
October 2014; Call for details; Call for eggs. Directions: Check
website for updates and specific times and dates of events. Payment:
Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover.
Click here for our Facebook page
. formerly 3 Gs Trees Cut Your Own Tree Farm
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir, Colorado Blue
Spruce, Eastern White Pine, Fraser Fir, Scotch Pine, White Fir (Concolor
You Choose and We cut varieties: Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir,
Colorado Blue Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir), Eastern White Pine,
Fraser Fir, Scotch Pine.
- Boyer's Christmas Trees
- 2021 permanently closed
West Manchester Mall, York, PA 17404. UPDATE for 2021, They are permanently closed.
- Browns Tree Farm -Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Precut Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths, restrooms, group tours
Park View Road, York, PA 17404. Phone: (717) 757-4324. Email:
[email protected].
Open: November - December, Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 5pm; weekdays from 11am to 5pm.. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash,
Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover . Christmas trees. In 2021, ALL FIELD trees ANY SIZE ARE $69 plus 6% PA sales tax! Fresh Cut Trees are
available on the lot daily. Fresh Wreaths are made daily. Call Pat at (717) 757-4324 for special orders. Other Services include Tree Drilling,
Tree Shaking, Tree Bailing They also sell Tree Stands, Tree Bags, Tree Food, Roping, Window Saches, Swags, Grave Easels, and Mailbox Covers. Pre
Cut Trees are priced individually.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Frasier Fir, Caanan Fir, Douglas Fir
(ADDED: November 21, 2021, Suggested by a visitor)
- Cabin Creek Farms - Choose and cut your own
Christmas trees,
635 Perry Road, Red Lion, PA 17356. Phone:
717-244-4496. Email:
[email protected]. Open:UPDATE for 2021, Their Facebook page has not been updated in years; Does anyone have current information, are
they still open? If so, please write me, their last reported hours were 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday Saturday
8:30 am to 3:30 pm During Christmas Tree Season 8:30 - Dusk 7 Days a
Directions: Call for directions. They also
have living potted & balled/Burlapped trees for Landscape and
borders, 75 Varieties of Trees & Shrubs Available. Payment: Cash and
Click here for a link to our Facebook page
Comments from a visitor on December 11, 2010: "I just know
that we live off Windsor Road and this tree farm is maybe 5 minutes
away. It's close and convenient. It\'s just a great place to walk
through and cut down a Christmas tree. They give you a saw and rope
if you need it. There are 2 sides to meander through. Neat location,
easy to get to. Really reasonable prices. I think they have hot
cider and cookies FREE! I also think they have greens and maybe
wreaths. It's worth checking out."
- Charlie's Produce & Crabs
- Precut Christmas trees,
Christmas wreaths, Christmas boughs, garlands, Christmas
decorations, trees baled, free hot coffee, free hot chocolate,
4866 Route 30 West, Thomasville, PA 17364. Phone: 717-841-650.
Alternate Phone: 717-841-6570. Email:
[email protected]. Open:the Friday after Thanksgiving to December 23, 7 days
a week, please see visit us on Facebook for our current hours of
One half mile west of Route 116 on Route 30 at the KBS intersection
in Thomasville, Pennsylvania.
Click here for a map and directions.
Payment: Cash,
Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx, SFMNP Vouchers. Charlie's Produce &
Crabs is open seasonally from Mother's Day to Christmas featuring
locally grown and harvested produce, seafood, flowers, pumpkins and
trees as they becomes available throughout the seasons.
Christmas tree varieties:
PreCut varieties: Blue Spruce, Canaan
Fir, White Fir (Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, White Pine.
- Cornerstone Plantation Christmas Tree Farm
- Christmas
trees-you choose and you cut, Living Christmas trees (to plant
later), trees baled, saws provided,
4509 Young Road, Glen Rock,
PA 17327. Phone: 717-235-1885. Email:
[email protected]. Open:Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
just 10 minutes from I-83; 10 minutes from New Freedom and
Shrewsbury, 5 minutes from the Maryland Border; 5 minutes from Route
Click here for a map and directions.
Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir, Colorado Blue
Spruce, Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, White Pine.
Living, rooted tree
varieties: Blue Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir.
- Elicker Tree Farm -
Choose and cut your own Christmas trees, Precut trees
21 Elicker Road, Dillsburg, PA 17019. Contact: Clint Elicker. Phone: (717)
766-5714. Email: [email protected]. Open:call for hours and dates.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir.
Comment from a visitor, December 15, 2007: "For $30.00 (1.00 tip), I will be
back for years to come. Wonderful experience. But I will bring
a gas chainsaw next year. "
- Family Tree Farm LLC - Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Precut Christmas trees, Living Christmas trees (to plant later),
Christmas wreaths, garlands, Santa visits
, trees bagged, tree shaking provided, trees baled, saws provided, winter wagon rides, U-pick and
already picked, porta-potties
4802 & 4688 Dairy Road, Red Lion, PA 17356. Phone: (717) 332-6365. Email:
[email protected].
Open: Opening Day Saturday November 20th. Open:
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: From Red Lion PA, South on Route 24 (Winterstown Road) to Left on Dairy Road
to Farm on Right. From Stewartstown PA, North on Route 24 to Right on Dairy Road to Farm on Right. 4688 Dairy Road, Red Lion PA 17356.
Click here for a map and directions.
Payment: Cash, Visa/MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Christmas tree varieties:
U-Choose and Cut varieties: Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, White
Fir (Concolor Fir).
PreCut varieties: Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir.
Living, rooted tree
varieties: Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir.
(UPDATED: September 09, 2021)
- Flinchbaugh's Orchard and Farm Market
Uses integrated pest management
practices, Precut Christmas trees, Living Christmas trees
(to plant later), Christmas wreaths, Christmas boughs, garlands,
Christmas decorations, trees bagged, trees tied, tree shaking
provided, trees baled, free tree trimmings, Honey from hives on the
farm, Fresh eggs, gift shop, snacks and refreshment stand,
restrooms, picnic area, face painting, birthday parties, school
tours, events at your location (call for info)
110 Ducktown Road,
York, PA 17406. Phone: 717-252-2540. Fax: 717-252-2541. Email:
[email protected]. Open:April through December;
Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm; Saturday, from 8 am to 4 pm;
Sunday closed.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Click here for updates.
Directions: From York: Travel on Route
30 East to Hallam Exit. Right onto Frysville Road. Left onto Route
462 East. Travel 2.2 miles to Ducktown Road on right. Farm Market
will be on right after one quarter of a mile.
Click here for a map and directions.
We use integrated pest
management practices. Payment: Cash, Check, Visa/MasterCard, SFMNP
Vouchers. Summer Fest is held every year the last weekend of July! A
community event for families to enjoy. See their website for dates
of Cookie Decorating & Santa Greet, with Model Toy Trains.
Christmas tree
PreCut varieties: Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir.
rooted tree varieties: Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Scotch Pine, White
Fir (Concolor Fir).
Good's Tree Farm - 2021 permanently closed
1575 Valley Road,
Etters, PA 17319. UPDATE for 2021, They are permanently closed.
- Gruver's Nursery - Choose and cut Christmas trees,
Stetler Road, New Cumberland, PA. Phone: 717-774-3299. Email:
[email protected]
- Haring Tree Farms
- Christmas trees-you choose and you
cut, Christmas trees- you choose and we cut, Precut Christmas trees,
Living Christmas trees (to plant later), Christmas wreaths,
garlands, Christmas decorations, trees bagged, tree shaking
provided, trees baled, free tree trimmings, saws provided, restrooms
1705 Valley Road, Etters, PA 17319. Phone: 717-938-6669. Email:
[email protected]. Open:Monday thru Thursday (10 am to 7
pm), Friday (9 am to 7 pm), Saturday, & Sunday (9 am to 6 pm). Directions: (Valley Road
location) Coming from the South on Route 83, use Exit 32, at light
at end of ramp go straight thru onto Pines Road, 3 miles turn left
on Route 262 West, Go 1 mile, farm on left. Coming from North on
Route 83, use Exit 32, at light at end of ramp turn left, at next
light turn left onto Pines Road, 3 miles turn left onto Route 262
West, go 1 mile, farm on left.
Click here for a map and directions.
Payment: Cash, Debit cards,
Visa/MasterCard, Discover.
Click here for our Facebook page
. 2 lighted pole barns and 2
locations. Valley Rd. (1705 Valley Rd., Etters, PA 717-938-6669) and
Cly (330 River Dr., York Haven, 17370, PA 717-266-6590). Haring Tree
Farms is a family owned and operated business since 1979. Haring
Tree Farms offers Choose N' Cut, Pre-cut trees, and wreaths. We
offer a wide variety of Christmas trees including Fraser Fir,
Douglas Fir, Concolor Fir, Blue Spruce, and Canaan Fir.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Blue
Spruce, Canaan Fir, Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, White Fir (Concolor
You Choose and We cut varieties: Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir,
Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, White Fir (Concolor Fir).
varieties: White Fir (Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir.
Living, rooted tree varieties: Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir.
- McCurdy's Tree Farm
- Christmas trees-you choose and you
cut, Christmas trees- you choose and we cut, Precut Christmas trees,
Living Christmas trees (to plant later), Christmas wreaths,
Christmas boughs, garlands, mistletoe, Santa visits
, Christmas
decorations, trees bagged, trees tied, tree shaking provided, trees
baled, free tree trimmings, saws provided, winter hay rides, winter
wagon rides, winter train rides, Christmas event or festival,
bonfires, gift shop, concessions / refreshment stand, porta-potties,
picnic area, farm animals, birthday parties, school tours
Chestnut Grove Road, Dillsburg, PA 17019. Phone: 717-432-4017. Fax:
717-432-2467. Email:
[email protected]. Open:Please check out our
complete list of hours
Hours are usually posted in October for the Tree Farm. Directions:
Located directly off Route 15 in Dillsburg, PA. Exit onto Carroll
Drive from Route 15. At the stop sign turn left. McCurdys Tree Farm
will be on the right side of the road. Look for the sign.
Click here for a map and directions.
Payment: Cash, Check, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover. See our
Christmas offerings
. ***Note that some of our hours, especially for our Campground
Road location, have changed.Bring out the kids or grandkids and enjoy a hayride and lots of family
activities while you search for your perfect tree. We have a great selection of
trees available this year, please feel free to
contact us
with any specific questions.We also have a large number of events happening at our Chestnut Grove location
throughout the season. Check out the
events page
for the current schedule. New events are being added all the time, so
keep checking back for the latest information.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir, Colorado Blue
Spruce, Douglas Fir, Eastern White Pine, Fraser Fir, Norway Spruce,
Scotch Pine, White Fir (Concolor Fir), White Pine, White Spruce.
You Choose and We cut varieties: Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir, White Fir
(Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir, Eastern White Pine, Fraser Fir, Norway
Spruce, Scotch Pine, White Fir (Concolor Fir), White Pine, White
PreCut varieties: Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir, Colorado Blue
Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir, Eastern White Pine,
Fraser Fir, Noble Fir, Norway Spruce, Scotch Pine, White Fir
(Concolor Fir), White Pine, White Spruce.
Living, rooted tree
varieties: Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir, White Fir (Concolor Fir),
Douglas Fir, Eastern White Pine, Norway Spruce, White Fir (Concolor
Fir), White Pine, White Spruce.
McPherson's Christmas Tree Farm
- Christmas
trees-you choose and you cut,
5941 Mt. Pisgah Road, Hallam, PA
17406. Phone: (717) 324-0512. Open: 2016 Tree Cutting on Friday,
November 25: 12 pm to 5 pm, Saturday, November 26: 8 am to 4 pm, Sunday,
November 27: 8 am to 4 pm, Friday, December 2: 12 pm to 5 pm, Saturday,
December 3: 8 am to 4 pm, Sunday, December 4: 8 am to 4 pm, Friday,
December 9: 12 pm to 5 pm, Saturday, December 10: 8 am to 4 pm, Sunday,
December 11: 8 am to 4 pm, Friday, December 16: 12 pm to 5 pm, Saturday,
December 17: 8 am to 4 pm. Family owned and operated since 1953,
our fields and trees are taken care of by hand - truly a labor of
love. Tree tagging begins in September and customers are welcome to
walk the fields and tag their tree(s) any day or time of the week.
Sales/harvesting begin on Black Friday.
Comments from a visitor on November 09, 2011:
- Millers Meadowood Christmas Tree Farm
- Christmas trees-you choose and you cut, Christmas trees- you
choose and we cut, Precut Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths, Christmas boughs, trees bagged, trees tied, trees baled, saws
provided, bonfires,
1127 Hain Road, New Freedom, PA 17349.
Phone: 717-968-6212. Email:
[email protected]. Open:We open the day
after Thanksgiving to sell trees; Hours are Monday to Thursday, from 12 pm to 5 pm; Friday to Sunday, from 8 am to 5 pm.
Directions: Take the Glen Rock Exit 8 off of Interstate 83. Head
west on Route 216 to the stop sign. Turn left onto the
Susquehanna Trail, and head south for approximately 2 miles.
Turn left onto Hain Road. Travel 1 mile and turn at the sign
into the driveway on the right side of Hain Road.
Click here for a map and directions.
If you would like to
tag a tree prior to Thanksgiving, you are welcome to do so; Just
call or stop by; We'll be happy to help you!. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir, Douglas Fir, Norway Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir).
You Choose and We
cut varieties: Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce, Canaan Fir, White Fir
(Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, Norway Spruce.
PreCut varieties: Fraser Fir.
November 23, 2018, JBS)
Raubs Farm Market - precut Christmas Trees, Wreaths, Grave Blankets, Cemetery Logs,
Centerpieces, .
1459 Tatamy Road, Easton, PA 18045. Phone: 610-253-1419. Email:
[email protected]. Open: 7 days a week from 10 am to 6 pm. Directions:
here for a map and directions. Payments: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Apple and
Google Pay, Venmo, CashApp, and Cash.. It’s great for school outings, family gatherings, theme parties,
girl and boy scout troops, and even weddings! They also have tasty homemade pies, breads and jams for
any occasion. As Halloween they have everything for decorating.
At Christmas, they have precut
Christmas Trees, Wreaths which they can custom decorate, Grave Blankets (also custom decorated),
Cemetery Logs, Centerpieces, .
Cookie Trays. (UPDATED: October 7, 2024, JBS)
- Springfield Tree Farm
- 2021 permanently closed
7022 Susquehanna Trail South, York, PA 17403. UPDATE for 2021, A visitor tells me they are permanently closed.
A visitor writes on November 23, 2021: "This farm is sadly, permanently closed since 2020."
- Strathmeyer Christmas Trees
- Christmas trees-you choose
and you cut, Precut Christmas trees, Living Christmas trees (to
plant later), Christmas wreaths, Christmas boughs, garlands,
Christmas decorations, trees bagged, trees tied, tree shaking
provided, trees baled, free tree trimmings, saws provided, winter
wagon rides, gift shop, porta-potties
334 Carlisle Avenue York
Expo Center, York, PA 17404. Phone: 800-345-3406. Alternate Phone:
717-292-5683. Fax: 717-292-4129. Email:
[email protected]. Open:the day after Thanksgiving
Monday to Saturday 9 am to 9 pm Sunday 9 am to 5 pm Closed Christmas Eve. Directions: Located across from the Toyota
Arena at the York Expo Center.
Click here for a map and directions.
Payment: Cash, Check, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover. Our main lot located at the York
Expo Center other lots located in Lancaster, Harrisburg, and York. We
support Lions Clubs, Church groups, Future Farmers Associations
through the sales of the Christmas trees. Also have a cut your own
farm located in Red Lion.
Strathmeyer Christmas Trees Facebook page.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Canaan Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir,
Fraser Fir, White Fir (Concolor Fir).
PreCut varieties: Canaan
Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Fir (Concolor Fir), Douglas Fir,
Eastern White Pine, Fraser Fir, Scotch Pine.
Living, rooted tree
varieties: Canaan Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Eastern
White Pine, Fraser Fir, Norway Spruce.
- Warner Christmas Tree Farm
- Christmas
trees-you choose and you cut, Christmas wreaths,
433 Rocky Ridge
Road, Spring Grove, PA 17362. Phone: 717-259-9906. Email:
[email protected]. Open:Monday to Thursday 3 pm to 5 pm;
Friday and Saturday 9 am to 5 pm; Sunday 1 pm to 5 pm Open Day after
Thanksgiving to December 21. Directions: From Abbottstown, Route 30
east 1.5 miles, right on Meadow Lane, 1 mile left on Maple Grove
Road, .2 miles right on Rocky Ridge Road .6 miles to Farm. For a map
to our farm,
click here.
Payment: Cash, only.
Christmas tree varieties:
You-Choose and You-Cut varieties: Douglas Fir.
(ADDED: July 01, 2016)