How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas TreesWhere and How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees in Oregon after Christmas 2024 and in January 2025

How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees

In many urban and suburban areas, Christmas trees are collected from curbside during the first 2 weeks in January. Be sure to remove all remove all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, stands, other NON-Organic decorative materials and other materials that are not part of the original tree. This includes tree stands also. Flocked trees are usually accepted, but not artificial trees. Large trees (larger than the standard 6 - 7 ft tree) may need to be cut in half to be acceptable by your garbage hauler. But scrroll down this page for more specific information and local links.

What happens to the trees? In most cases, the trees are chipped and made into a mulch which is usually made available, free to city or county residents. Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove. Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and could cause a chimney fire.

Tips: Always follow the links (usually the name of the city or county) below for updated information, as these agencies often wait until the last minute to change dates or update their information (it's government, remember?). If your area is Grinding Christmas trees into mulchnot specifically mentioned below, contact your trash collection agency and inquire!

Related information:

See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights

If it has just snowed; see this page about how to make snocones from real snow! Your kids will love it!

Click here for the list of winter sleigh ride locations!

See our easy recipes to make a Chocolate Yule log and click here to make your own low-fat, low calorie but delicious Egg Nog ! Then come back to our other website in March to find a local Easter Egg Hunt for your children ! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Oregon: Where and How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree After the Holidays January 2025

  • Portland, Oregon - Recycle your tree with your curbside yard debris collection service. Residents with curbside yard debris collection programs can recycle their trees at the curb. Tree preparation requirements and fees vary throughout the region. For details, call your local solid waste and recycling office, ask Metro at 503-234-3000, or your garbage hauler.
    You can either take your tree to a yard debris processing facility or use curbside service. Trees larger than six feet should be cut in two to ensure the safety of your garbage hauler.
    General metro Portland area residents with curbside yard debris collection programs can recycle their trees at the curb. The tree preparation requirements and fees vary throughout the region. For details, call your local solid waste and recycling office, Metro Recycling Information or your garbage hauler.
    Curbside recycling guidelines
    Who collects curbside recycling and garbage?
    Find your garbage hauler
    Remove all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, stands and other materials that are not part of the original tree. Most trees are ground up as part of the recycling process; foreign material can ruin a chipping machine. Also, non-biodegradable materials (metal, glass, etc.) aren't good for a compost mixture. Christmas wreaths and swags can be recycled with trees. Most recyclers ask that all frames and wire be removed. Some groups or businesses do not accept flocked trees.
    Or support a nonprofit fundraiser: Many nonprofit organizations offer pickup services or drop-off locations where you can take Christmas trees and wreaths to be recycled. Providing this service not only helps communities properly dispose of trees, but also raises money for worthwhile causes with a small fee or a request for a donation.
  • Christmas for Coho (Portland) - recycle your Christmas tree by turning it into salmon habitat in Oregon rivers!
    Northwest Fly Fishing Outfitters, 10910 NE Halsey Street, Portland, OR 97220. Phone: (503) 636-0061. Email:  [email protected]. Drop off your tree on the first two Saturdays after New Year's Day in January) from 9 am to 4 pm. Christmas for Coho tree collection dates is early-January to mid-January (see their website). The public can drop off used Christmas trees from 9am to 4pm at Northwest Fly Fishing Outfittersand the Old Fire Station Next to Royal Treatment Fly Fishing (6000 Failing St., West Linn, OR 97068). The cost is $10 per tree to cover transportation and other related expenses. To protect water quality, we regret that we cannot accept trees with flocking or tinsel.
    CONTACT: Mike Gentry  Volunteers move the trees into local rivers, streams, tidal zones and other areas where young salmon can use them as protection from predators. The all-volunteer project is run by the Tualatin Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited and is funded by grants, fees from tree collection, membership dues, and donations.
  • Other Counties and Cities below - Click here for locations, updated information and more details.
  • Banks, Oregon - Holiday trees and greenery can be recycled in your yard debris container. Cut trees and greenery into lengths that easily fit in your yard debris roll cart (36" or less) and will freely fall into the truck when tipped. Holiday greenery includes trees, wreaths, plant and swags that are free of tinsel, ornaments, stands/supports, wires or other added materials. Setting out holiday greenery on your regularly scheduled yard debris day will be considered that week's pick-up. Additional yard debris set at the curb during this pick-up may be assessed an additional fee. If you are unable to prepare your greenery as described above, you can transport it to a collection site run by service organizations who will take it for a fee. Some service organizations will also arrange to pick up trees from residents for a fee. And the Beaverton Boy Scout Troop 618 ask that you bring your Christmas tree (and a suggested donation) to St. Andrew Lutheran Church so they can dispose of it safely and economically.
  • Beaverton, Oregon - If your tree will fit in your yard debris cart, either whole or cut up, you should place it in the cart. If it will not fit, you can set it out as an additional yard debris set-out. Please follow these guidelines: If taller than six feet, it should be cut into pieces less than six feet long; if shorter than six feet, your tree can be set out whole; your cart must be placed out with the tree so your hauler can lift the tree into the truck; in case of inclement weather, your tree pick-up will count as one yard debris set-out and will be picked up either the next day or the next scheduled service day. In multi-family communities, such as apartments or condominiums with centralized hauling services, residents should first contact their property manager or board of directors to determine if a holiday tree pick-up service or event has been arranged.  The Beaverton Boy Scout Troop 618 ask that you bring your Christmas tree (and a suggested donation) to St. Andrew Lutheran Church so they can dispose of it safely and economically. Otherwise, visit Metro's Find-A-Recycler website to determine the closest yard debris recycling facility or seasonal tree recycling event.
  • Canby, Oregon - inside city limits -
    Trees can be recycled in yard debris carts. If placing tree pieces in your cart, cut tree into small enough pieces to fit so they are able to fall freely when tipped into the truck. Trees can be set out in lieu of yard debris container. If your cart is full, you can set out trees shorter than 6 feet tall as additional yard debris materials. An extra yard debris charge will be assessed. Trees must be free of tinsel, stands, ornaments and other added materials. Wreaths can be placed in the yard debris cart with the frames, wire and other non-organic material removed.
  • Cedar Mill area of Portland, OR Boy Scout Troop 618 - Click on the link at left and fill out the form for a pick up of your tree! They take wreaths and trees! at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 12405 SW Butner Rd, Beaverton, Or 97005,
    Dates for 2023
    Saturday January 7 (12-4 pm)
    Sunday, January 8 (12-4 pm)
    Saturday, January 14 (12-4 pm)
    Sunday, January 15 (12-4 pm)
    Recommended donations are $5 or more for Wreaths and $10 or more for Trees.. They also accept cans and bottles!
    Have more questions? Contact Troop 618 Tree Recycling Coordinator, Jay Locke, at 503-567-9194, Email: [email protected].
  • Clackamas County, Oregon - unincorporated inside the urban growth boundary - A Christmas tree counts as a regular yard debris set-out. It must fit into your yard cart with the lid closed. If it doesn't, cut it in half or thirds and put it out in the yard debris cart the next week or the week after if needed. Trees set out for pickup outside the yard debris cart may incur an extra charge. Flocked trees are OK. No tinsel, decorations or stands.
  • Cornelius, Oregon - Holiday trees and greenery can be recycled in your yard debris container. Cut trees and greenery into lengths that easily fit in your yard debris roll cart (36" or less) and will freely fall into the truck when tipped. Holiday greenery includes trees, wreaths, plant and swags that are free of tinsel, ornaments, stands/supports, wires or other added materials. Setting out holiday greenery on your regularly scheduled yard debris day will be considered that week's pick-up. Additional yard debris set at the curb during this pick-up may be assessed an additional fee. If you are unable to prepare your greenery as described above, you can transport it to a collection site run by service organizations who will take it for a fee. Some service organizations will also arrange to pick up trees from residents for a fee.
  • Damascus, Oregon - For customers with yard debris collection service, a Christmas tree counts as a regular yard debris set-out. It must fit into your yard cart with the lid closed. If it doesn't, cut it in half or thirds and put it out in the yard debris cart the next week or the week after if needed. Trees set out for pickup outside the yard debris cart may incur an extra charge. Flocked trees are OK. No tinsel, decorations or stands.
  • Deschutes County - December 26th through January 31st, Christmas trees are accepted free of charge at the Knott Landfill Recycling Center and Southwest, Northwest, Negus, and Alfalfa Transfer Stations from residents (no commercial vendors). Be sure to remove any flocking, tinsel, ornaments, lights, metal or plastic bases, etc. Phone: (541) 317-3163 or Recorded Info: (541) 388-6599.
    Curbside: You may cut your tree to fit in the curbside yard debris cart with the lid closed. There is no deadline for this, but if the tree is not completely in the cart, an extra fee may be charged. As always, remove all the decorations and the stand.
    Christmas lights, and other string lights can be recycled, free of charge, at Deschutes Recycling through the end of January at the Negus, Northwest, Southwest and Alfalfa Transfer Stations.
  • Durham, Oregon - Holiday trees and greenery can be recycled in your yard debris container. Cut trees and greenery into lengths that easily fit in your yard debris roll cart (36" or less) and will freely fall into the truck when tipped. Holiday greenery includes trees, wreaths, plant and swags that are free of tinsel, ornaments, stands/supports, wires or other added materials. Setting out holiday greenery on your regularly scheduled yard debris day will be considered that week's pick-up. Additional yard debris set at the curb during this pick-up may be assessed an additional fee. If you are unable to prepare your greenery as described above, you can transport it to a collection site run by service organizations who will take it for a fee. Some service organizations will also arrange to pick up trees from residents for a fee.
  • Estacada, Oregon - No yard debris program.
  • Eugene, Oregon Scouts BSA Troop 182 - Annual Christmas Tree Pickup Fundraiser to help provide a quality scouting program for the scouts in our troop and as well as helping send them to summer camp and other adventures. Troop 182 Facebook page 
    Dates of pickup: December 26th through January 30th, troop 182 will be picking up Christmas trees every weekend and some weekdays
    Contact-free pickup is available in Eugene, Springfield, Junction City, Harrisburg, Coburg, Veneta and some surrounding areas.
    A $10 minimum donation is requested for small trees under 10 feet, $15 for medium trees 10-15 feet, and $25 for large trees over 15 feet. Flocked and painted trees accepted.
    To schedule your tree pickup, please visit

  • Fairview, Oregon - Tree can be placed out in lieu of regular yard debris on scheduled pick-up day at no extra charge. Flocked trees cannot be recycled curbside. Stands, ornaments, and other foreign matter must be removed.
  • Forest Grove, Oregon - Holiday trees and greenery can be recycled in your yard debris container. Cut trees and greenery into lengths that easily fit in your yard debris roll cart (36" or less) and will freely fall into the truck when tipped. Holiday greenery includes trees, wreaths, plant and swags that are free of tinsel, ornaments, stands/supports, wires or other added materials. Setting out holiday greenery on your regularly scheduled yard debris day will be considered that week's pick-up. Additional yard debris set at the curb during this pick-up may be assessed an additional fee. If you are unable to prepare your greenery as described above, you can transport it to a collection site run by service organizations who will take it for a fee. Some service organizations will also arrange to pick up trees from residents for a fee.
  • Gladstone, Oregon - A Christmas tree counts as a regular yard debris set-out. It must fit into your yard cart with the lid closed. If it doesn't, cut it in half or thirds and put it out in the yard debris cart the next week or the week after if needed. Trees set out for pickup outside the yard debris cart may incur an extra charge. Flocked trees are OK. No tinsel, decorations or stands.
  • Gresham, Oregon - Residential customers may place their natural tree at the curb for recycling in place of regular yard debris at no extra charge as long as the tree does not exceed six feet in length. Trees over six feet should be cut down into smaller pieces. Trees must be free of tinsel, lights, ornaments and other foreign items. If you are unable to cut your tree into smaller pieces, please contact your hauler for options.
    If a local organization other than your hauler is collecting your tree, schedule pickup on a day other than your yard debris collection day to avoid confusion.
  • Happy Valley, Oregon - A Christmas tree counts as a regular yard debris set-out. It must fit into your yard cart with the lid closed. If it doesn't, cut it in half or thirds and put it out in the yard debris cart the next week or the week after if needed. Trees set out for pickup outside the yard debris cart may incur an extra charge. Flocked trees are OK. No tinsel, decorations or stands.
  • Hillsboro, Oregon - Holiday trees and greenery can be recycled in your yard debris container. Cut trees and greenery into lengths that easily fit in your yard debris roll cart (36" or less) and will freely fall into the truck when tipped. Holiday greenery includes trees, wreaths, plant and swags that are free of tinsel, ornaments, stands/supports, wires or other added materials. Setting out holiday greenery on your regularly scheduled yard debris day will be considered that week's pick-up. Additional yard debris set at the curb during this pick-up may be assessed an additional fee. If you are unable to prepare your greenery as described above, you can transport it to a collection site run by service organizations who will take it for a fee. Some service organizations will also arrange to pick up trees from residents for a fee.
  • King City, Oregon - Holiday trees and greenery can be recycled in your yard debris container. Cut trees and greenery into lengths that easily fit in your yard debris roll cart (36" or less) and will freely fall into the truck when tipped. Holiday greenery includes trees, wreaths, plant and swags that are free of tinsel, ornaments, stands/supports, wires or other added materials. Setting out holiday greenery on your regularly scheduled yard debris day will be considered that week's pick-up. Additional yard debris set at the curb during this pick-up may be assessed an additional fee. If you are unable to prepare your greenery as described above, you can transport it to a collection site run by service organizations who will take it for a fee. Some service organizations will also arrange to pick up trees from residents for a fee.
  • Lake Oswego, Oregon - Inside the urban growth boundary, a Christmas tree counts as a regular yard debris set-out. It must fit into your yard cart with the lid closed. If it doesn't, cut it in half or thirds and put it out in the yard debris cart the next week or the week after if needed. Trees set out for pick up that is not in the yard debris cart may incur an extra charge. Flocked trees are OK. No tinsel, decorations or stands.Also, Lake Oswego Boy Scout Troop 230 can take the trees . Just bring your tree (along with a suggested donation) to Troop 230's three-day recycling event in Lake Oswego. Questions? Full information on tree recycling is here . SORRY, BUT THEY DO NOT PICK UP TREES FROM HOMES OR BUSINESSES.
  • Maywood Park, Oregon - If you have curbside yard debris service from your garbage and recycling company, you can put out the whole tree at your curb on your yard debris day. Haulers charge $4 for trees shorter than 8 feet and $6 for taller trees. Trees will not be accepted with garbage and will only be accepted with yard debris. If placing in your yard debris cart, limbs must not poke above the lip of the cart; weight limit is 100 lbs. Put extra bundle(s) or can(s) at your curb on your yard debris day. Your green roll cart is picked up for no fee. Each additional bundle or can is $2.50.
  • Medford, Oregon - Medford Scout Troop 7 will pick up trees in East Medford (PLEASE make a donation to them!) Put UNDECORATED trees on the curbside the evening of
    Saturday, in early January. Email the troop for how to make donations and collection area.  Email: [email protected].
    The troop will pick up the trees free of charge but will accept donations.
  • Milwaukie, Oregon - A Christmas tree counts as a regular yard debris set-out. It must fit into your yard cart with the lid closed. If it doesn't, cut it in half or thirds and put it out in the yard debris cart the next week or the week after if needed. Trees set out for pick up that is not in the yard debris cart may incur an extra charge. Flocked trees are OK. No tinsel, decorations or stands.
  • Molalla, Oregon inside city limits - Trees can be set out on collection day for 2-3 weeks after Christmas, no charge for pick up. If the tree is taller than 8 feet, cut it in half.
  • North Plains, Oregon - Holiday trees and greenery can be recycled in your yard debris container. Cut trees and greenery into lengths that easily fit in your yard debris roll cart (36" or less) and will freely fall into the truck when tipped. Holiday greenery includes trees, wreaths, plant and swags that are free of tinsel, ornaments, stands/supports, wires or other added materials. Setting out holiday greenery on your regularly scheduled yard debris day will be considered that week's pick-up. Additional yard debris set at the curb during this pick-up may be assessed an additional fee. If you are unable to prepare your greenery as described above, you can transport it to a collection site run by service organizations who will take it for a fee. Some service organizations will also arrange to pick up trees from residents for a fee.
  • Oregon City, Oregon - inside the urban growth boundary - A Christmas tree counts as a regular yard debris set-out. It must fit into your yard cart with the lid closed. If it doesn't, cut it in half or thirds and put it out in the yard debris cart the next week or the week after if needed. Trees set out for pickup outside the yard debris cart may incur an extra charge. Flocked trees are OK. No tinsel, decorations or stands.
  • Salem/Keizer, Oregon: See Boy Scout Troop 121 - (503) 877-HAUL.
  • Sandy, Oregon - inside city limits - A Christmas tree counts as a regular yard debris set-out. It must fit into your yard cart with the lid closed. If it doesn't, cut it in half or thirds and put it out in the yard debris cart the next week or the week after if needed. Trees set out for pickup outside the yard debris cart may incur an extra charge. Flocked trees are OK. No tinsel, decorations or stands. Please note: The Clackamas County Garbage and Recycling Transfer Station (formerly known as the Sandy Transfer Station) only accepts trees as garbage. Customers will be charged the garbage rate.
  • Sherwood, Oregon - Holiday trees and greenery can be recycled in your yard debris container. Cut trees and greenery into lengths that easily fit in your yard debris roll cart (36" or less) and will freely fall into the truck when tipped. Holiday greenery includes trees, wreaths, plant and swags that are free of tinsel, ornaments, stands/supports, wires or other added materials. Setting out holiday greenery on your regularly scheduled yard debris day will be considered that week's pick-up. Additional yard debris set at the curb during this pick-up may be assessed an additional fee. If you are unable to prepare your greenery as described above, you can transport it to a collection site run by service organizations who will take it for a fee. Some service organizations will also arrange to pick up trees from residents for a fee.
  • Tigard, Oregon - There are 2 options:
    1. BSA Troops 423 and 218 of Tigard, Oregon. BSA Troops 423 and 28 can pick your tree up on: Sun. Dec. 31, 2023, Sat. Jan. 6, 2024, Sun. Jan. 7, 2024, or Sun. Jan. 13, 2024 from 9-4 and we have a drop-off location at Cook Park in Tigard the same days/hours. Your trees will be turned into mulch to cover the paths at Cook Park. Click here to schedule a pick-up through our website. Pick-up area includes zip codes 97223, 97224, and a portion of 97007. Questions about whether you live in our coverage area? Email us at [email protected]  to see if we can arrange a pickup. (UPDATED: November 20, 2023)
    Holiday trees and greenery can be recycled in your yard debris container. Cut trees and greenery into lengths that easily fit in your yard debris roll cart (36" or less) and will freely fall into the truck when tipped. Holiday greenery includes trees, wreaths, plant and swags that are free of tinsel, ornaments, stands/supports, wires or other added materials. Setting out holiday greenery on your regularly scheduled yard debris day will be considered that week's pick-up. Additional yard debris set at the curb during this pick-up may be assessed an additional fee. If you are unable to prepare your greenery as described above, you can transport it to a collection site run by service organizations who will take it for a fee. Some service organizations will also arrange to pick up trees from residents for a fee.
  • Troutdale, Oregon - Trees shorter than 6 feet will be collected by Waste Management in place of regular yard debris at no extra charge. Trees do not need to be placed in the yard debris carts. If your tree is taller than 6 feet, you may cut the tree into pieces shorter than 6 feet or call Waste Management at 800-808-5901 for collection costs and arrangements. There will be an extra fee of $4.25 for any additional yard waste collected the same week as your tree. Please, no flocked trees, tinsel, stands, or ornaments.
  • Tualatin, Oregon - Trees can be recycled in yard debris carts. If placing tree pieces in your cart, cut tree into small enough pieces to fit so they are able to fall freely when tipped into the truck. Trees can be set out in lieu of yard debris container. If your cart is full, you can set out trees shorter than 6 feet tall as additional yard debris materials. An extra yard debris charge will be assessed. Trees must be free of tinsel, stands, ornaments and other added materials. Wreaths can be placed in the yard debris cart with the frames, wire and other non-organic material removed.
  • Washington County, Oregon - Holiday trees and greenery can be recycled in your yard debris container. Cut trees and greenery into lengths that easily fit in your yard debris roll cart (36" or less) and will freely fall into the truck when tipped. Holiday greenery includes trees, wreaths, plant and swags that are free of tinsel, ornaments, stands/supports, wires or other added materials. Setting out holiday greenery on your regularly scheduled yard debris day will be considered that week's pick-up. Additional yard debris set at the curb during this pick-up may be assessed an additional fee. If you are unable to prepare your greenery as described above, you can transport it to a collection site run by service organizations who will take it for a fee. Some service organizations will also arrange to pick up trees from residents for a fee.
    In rural unincorporated Washington County where no yard debris pick-up is established, residents may use a yard debris-processing facility or check with local nonprofits about Christmas tree drop-off and pick-up events. Residents may also check with their haulers about picking up Christmas trees for a fee.
  • West Linn, Oregon - Inside the urban growth boundary, a Christmas tree counts as a regular yard debris set-out. It must fit into your yard cart with the lid closed. If it doesn't, cut it in half or thirds and put it out in the yard debris cart the next week or the week after if needed. Trees set out for pick up that is not in the yard debris cart may incur an extra charge. Flocked trees are OK. No tinsel, decorations or stands.
    • Christmas for Coho (West Linn) - recycle your Christmas tree by turning it into salmon habitat in Oregon rivers!
      Old Fire Station Next to Royal Treatment Fly Fishing, 6000 Failing St., West Linn, OR 97068. Phone: (503) 636-0061. Email:  [email protected]. Drop off your tree on the first two Saturdays in January) from 9 am to 4 pm. Christmas for Coho tree collection dates is Saturday, early-January to mid-January (see their website) The public can drop off used Christmas trees from 9am to 4pm at Northwest Fly Fishing Outfitters and the Old Fire Station Next to Royal Treatment Fly Fishing (6000 Failing St., West Linn, OR 97068). The cost is $10 per tree to cover transportation and other related expenses. To protect water quality, we regret that we cannot accept trees with flocking or tinsel.
      CONTACT: Mike Gentry  Volunteers move the trees into local rivers, streams, tidal zones and other areas where young salmon can use them as protection from predators. The all-volunteer project is run by the Tualatin Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited and is funded by grants, fees from tree collection, membership dues, and donations.
  • Wilsonville, Oregon - A Christmas tree counts as a regular yard debris set-out. It must fit into your yard cart with the lid closed. If it doesn't, cut it in half or thirds and put it out in the yard debris cart the next week or the week after if needed. Trees set out for pick up that is not in the yard debris cart may incur an extra charge. Flocked trees are OK. No tinsel, decorations or stands. Commercial/multifamily customers and curbside customers outside the urban growth boundary are encouraged to use Boy Scout tree recycling service.
  • Wood Village, Oregon - Curbside customers may recycle their trees in place of regular yard debris set out at no extra charge. It is appreciated if trees over 6 feet tall are cut in half. All trees collected in place of yard debris must be shorter than 8 feet tall. Please contact your hauler if yours is more than 8 feet tall. Flocked trees are acceptable. Trees with tinsel or ornaments may not be recycled; please remove those items.

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