Where and How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees in Oklahoma after Christmas
2024 and in January 2025

In many urban and suburban areas, Christmas trees are collected from curbside during the first 2 weeks in January. Be sure to remove all
remove all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, stands, other
NON-Organic decorative materials and other materials that are not part
of the original tree. This includes tree stands also. Flocked trees are usually accepted, but not artificial trees. Large trees (larger
than the standard 6 - 7 ft tree) may need to be cut in half to
be acceptable by your
garbage hauler. But scrroll down this page for more specific
information and local links.
What happens to the trees? In most cases, the trees are chipped and made into a mulch
which is usually made available, free to city or county residents.
Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove.
Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and could cause a
chimney fire.
Tips: Always follow the links (usually the name of the city or county) below for updated information, as these agencies often wait until the last minute to change dates or
update their information (it's government, remember?). If your area is
not specifically mentioned below, contact your trash collection agency and inquire!
Related information:
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
If it has just snowed; see
this page about how to make snocones from real snow!
Your kids will love it!
Click here for the list of winter sleigh ride locations!
See our easy recipes to
make a
Chocolate Yule log
click here to make your own low-fat,
low calorie but delicious Egg Nog
! Then come back to our
other website in March to
find a
local Easter Egg Hunt for your children
! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
Oklahoma: Where and How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree After the Holidays January 2025
- Blanchard, OK - See their website or call them for this
year's information. Phone: (405) 485-9392. There was no update on their website for this year. Last year, they said: The City will accept trees with trunk diameter that are 4-inches
or less at the Citizens Collection Center. The Center's hours of operations are from 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m., Monday thru Friday and until noon on Saturdays.
- Choctaw, OK - Call 405-390-8276.
- Del City - Call (405) 671-2873 or (405) 671-2820 to schedule individual pickup, at an
additional charge.
Edmond, Oklahoma
Christmas trees can be recycled this year by dropping them off at either Hafer Park or Mitch Park by the last Friday in January.
Trees are chipped, and free mulch is available for residents to pick up at Mitch Park after January 29..
Drop off your
Christmas tree at:
Hafer Park - upper-level parking lot
adjacent to Bryant Avenue.
Mitch Park - On the South end
of the West parking lot adjacent to Marilyn Williams
(directly across from the MAC)
The trees will be chipped, so please remove all tree
stands, nails and ornaments. Commercial accounts, Christmas
tree lots and other businesses will need to dispose of their
trees by dropping them off at one of the two drop-off
Schedule Tree Collection
If you can't drop off your tree, residential customers can schedule a special, free collection the first full week in January. Call the
tree-cycling hotline at (405) 359-4701 during the first full week in January after New Year's Dayto be placed on the schedule. Collection
will be provided during the week starting the 2nd Monday in January and ending Friday in mid-January.
You Miss the Special Collection:
Cut your tree
into smaller pieces and place it in your cart for regular
collection. Ensure that no debris is sticking out of the
closed container.
Schedule a monthly, bulk collection for
January by calling Utility Customer Services at (405)
359-4541 beginning January the first Monday in January after New Year's Day. The bulk collection fee is $10
per cubic yard for the first two cubic yards and $5 for each
additional cubic yard.
Take your tree to the Transfer
Station located at I-35 and Covell Road for disposal. The
charge for disposal of a Christmas tree is $5.
Midwest City, OK
During the month of January, you can drop off
your live Christmas tree at our Christmas Tree Drop Off in on Jim White Drive.
The designated drop off area is just east of Fire Station No. 6 which is at 8750
SE 15th.
The live trees are chipped for compost material so it is very
important that you remove all lights, decorations, ornaments and ornament
For questions or to schedule a special pickup
( $55 per half hour) call (405) 739-1370.
- Moore, OK
Christmas Tree Pick-Up: Live Christmas trees will be picked up from
Wednesday, December 26th through the first Friday after New Year's Day. Trees need to be cut
in 3 foot lengths and placed beside your household trash on your normal trash
day before 7 am Call the Moore Public Works Department at 793-5070 if you need
additional information about the Christmas tree disposal program.
- Newcastle, OK
See their website or call (405)387-4427.
- Norman, OK
Norman will pick up on regular compost collection dates (cut
into half or thirds if its huge!!)
Oklahoma City, OK
Residents can
place their Christmas tree, stripped of ornaments, on the
curb to be collected during Bulky Waste pick up for their
neighborhood. The dates will be listed on your water bill or
can look up their Bulky Waste Pick Up dates on the OKC.gov
website, link above.
- Piedmont, OK - Call 405-373-2000, there is nothing on their website this year. Phone: (405) 373-2621.
Stillwater, OK - Christmas Tree Removal
The City of
Stillwater offers two options for families who enjoy live Christmas
trees. Regardless of which method you choose, trees must be stripped
of all decorations - tinsel, lights and ornaments.
option is to prepare the tree for City of Stillwater yard waste
collection. Bundles must be shorter than four feet long and less
than 18 inches across. Bundles must weigh less than 35 pounds. Leave it curbside as yard
waste, which is collected weekly on your pickup day except for the first one of the month
The other
option is to drop the tree off at the Convenience Collection Center.
There is no charge to drop off Christmas trees. For live Christmas tree removal, customers can drop of their tree at the Convenience Collection Center (bring a recent city utility bill) Residential waste management customers receive trash, single-stream and glass recycling collection on city-observed holidays, but not yard waste collection.
Commercial routes run as usual on city-observed holidays.
Here is a list of recyclables accepted in your single-stream recycle
Cardboard boxes (flattened)
Rigid plastics labeled No. 1, 2 and 5 only
Metal cans and containers (including empty Christmas
tins that contained popcorn, cookies or candy)
Aluminum cans
- Tulsa, OK
- In December and January, residents may put trees at the curb on their primary collection day. Trees need to be cut into 4-foot sections to fit
into the hopper of the refuse trucks. Residents throwing away artificial trees need to put them in the gray trash cart. Tulsa residents also may
bring their live Christmas trees to be ground into mulch at the City's Mulch Site, 2100 N. 145th East Ave. Trees brought to the site must have all
decorations removed. The mulch site will be closed December. 24, 25, and 26, and January 1st. On January 2, it will resume its usual schedule of
7:30 am to 5 pm. seven days a week, excluding City holidays.The City of Tulsa created a video about the City's recycling system
and process - https://youtu.be/XSsCyaSoB9U
- The Village
can put the tree curbside, during their regular trash pickup day in
Yukon, Oklahoma
Yukon utility customers may dispose of their used live Christmas tree curbside during a three-week period, according to the City of Yukon's Sanitation
Services Department. From December 28th through mid-January, Sanitation Services will pick up used Christmas trees placed at the curb for free. The service is
for live trees only. No artificial trees are accepted. Live trees must be prepared by removing all decorations, lights, and any metal, such as tree stands and
ornaments. They should not be placed inside a plastic bag. These actions will assist Sanitation personnel, who will use a chipper to dispose of the trees.
During the designated dates, residents may place their live tree at the curb during their neighborhood's routine trash collection day. Residents are asked to
observe the designated three-foot minimum distance around their polycart when placing the trees at the curb so that it does not interfere with the automated
trash truck that empties carts. A different truck and crew will go through the neighborhoods to collect the live trees.
For more information or questions,
please contact us at
[email protected] or 354-4317.