Where and How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees in New Jersey after Christmas
2024 and in January 2025

In many urban and suburban areas, Christmas trees are collected from curbside during the first 2 weeks in January. Be sure to remove all
remove all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, stands, other
NON-Organic decorative materials and other materials that are not part
of the original tree. This includes tree stands also. Flocked trees are usually accepted, but not artificial trees. Large trees (larger
than the standard 6 - 7 ft tree) may need to be cut in half to
be acceptable by your
garbage hauler. But scrroll down this page for more specific
information and local links.
What happens to the trees? In most cases, the trees are chipped and made into a mulch
which is usually made available, free to city or county residents.
Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove.
Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and could cause a
chimney fire.
Tips: Always follow the links (usually the name of the city or county) below for updated information, as these agencies often wait until the last minute to change dates or
update their information (it's government, remember?). If your area is
not specifically mentioned below, contact your trash collection agency and inquire!
Related information:
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
If it has just snowed; see
this page about how to make snocones from real snow!
Your kids will love it!
Click here for the list of winter sleigh ride locations!
See our easy recipes to
make a
Chocolate Yule log
click here to make your own low-fat,
low calorie but delicious Egg Nog
! Then come back to our
other website in March to
find a
local Easter Egg Hunt for your children
! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
New Jersey: Where and How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree After the Holidays January 2025
Finding current information in NJ is tough, many of the cities,
towns and disposal companies have not updated their websites in
years. Below is the most recent I can find, but be sure call
or see their website.
- Atlantic County - ACUA will collect (real) Christmas
trees with regular yard waste collections in the following
Buena Vista Township
Egg Harbor City
Hamilton Township
Weymouth Township
If you
live in a town that is not listed, please contact your town's
Public Works.
For a complete list of collection dates and public works contacts, click here.
can also be brought to the ACUA for disposal.
Click here to view disposal rates and hours of operation.
Before recycling trees, follow these guidelines: Trees should be
free of lights and decorations, including tinsel; Trees do
not have to be bagged; Flocked trees are acceptable for
collection and composting. Real Christmas trees can be disposed of as yard waste, and ACUA will collect them in towns where we provide yard
waste collection. If ACUA does not pick up yard waste in your area, contact your town's Public Works Department for more information. Another option
is for residents to bring Christmas trees to local farms for disposal. Artificial trees are considered bulky waste and cannot be recycled. Consider
giving them to someone else for reuse or dispose of them as trash.ACUA has many channels for residents to learn how to properly dispose of items
they have questions about. Residents can use the online Waste Wizard tool and type in items for more information at
Acua's wastewizard. ACUA's recycling guidelines are listed at
Acua Recycling101. Residents can also contact ACUA with questions by calling (609) 272-6950 during
hours of operation or using the live support chat at Acua.com.
Bergen County - They
advise you to check with your local municipality (many have curbside collection during the first 2 weeks in January. See the
Bergen County cities and towns contact list here.
- Burlington County - Each town handles tree, brush
and yard waste differently, so residents should contact their
municipality to see if they offer curbside collection of
Christmas trees for recycling. The county will also offer free
disposal to residents who bring the trees to the Resource
Recovery Complex in Florence and Mansfield as a separate load -
that is, not mixed with trash. No artificial or flocked trees
can be accepted. All plastic bags, ropes, decorations, garland, tinsel, ornaments, lights, stands, wires and nails should be
Burlington County Christmas Tree Recycling Site -
Resource Recovery Complex. Phone: (609) 499-5300
2098 County
Route 543, . Florence, NJ 08518. For residents of Burlington
County only.
You can also recycle non-working strands of Christmas tree and outdoor holiday lights at our permanent
electronics dropoff at Burlington County's Resource Recovery Complex.
Please place strands of lights in CLEAR BAGS OR CARDBOARD BOXES when
delivering them to the Complex.
22000 Burlington-Columbus Rd., Florence, NJ 08518
It's FREE to Burlington County Residents. Monday
through Friday 7am to 4:30pm, Saturday 7am - 11:30am, Go directly to the scalehouse; from there you will be directed to the electronics
recycling area.
For more information, call (609) 499-1001 or email
[email protected].
- Cedar Grove, NJ - Christmas Tree Recycling: After Christmas
the Parks Department picks up the discarded Christmas trees
throughout the Township. The Christmas tree pickup starts
immediately after January 1 and continues for approximately four
weeks. The trees should be placed at the curb before 8:00 am on
your recycling day for pickup. Trees in plastic bags will not be
picked up.
- Cherry Hill - Christmas
tree recycling sites available through mid-January. Questions? Please call the Department of Public Works at (856) 424-4422
- Curbside
collection: Trees placed curbside are considered yard-waste and will be picked up and recycled as part of your weekly yard-waste collection. Trees
that are decorated or wrapped in plastic bags or tarps will not be collected.
- The Department of Public Works, 1 Perina Blvd.: Trees should be
deposited on the right side of the cul-de-sac in the front of the Public Works Complex.
- The Cherry Hill Township Municipal Building, 820 Mercer
St.: Trees can be dropped off in the outfield of the softball field behind Town Hall. The field is located off of the rear parking lot, at the
intersection with Weld Avenue.
A number of other holiday-related items can also be recycled, either at the curb, or by dropping them off at the
Public Works complex:
- Old electronics and broken/unused Christmas lights are considered electronic waste (e-waste), and can't be recycled at
the curb or in your blue can. However, they can be dropped off, 24/7, at the e-waste shed in the Public Works yard.
-Cardboard, wrapping paper
and cards can be recycled in your big blue recycling can on your regular trash day. Cardboard must be broken down and placed in your can. Excess
cardboard can be dropped off in two designated dumpsters to the rear of the Public Works yard.
For more information on trash and recycling
guidelines, call the Department of Public Works at (856) 424-4422, or visit the Public Works page at www.CherryHill-NJ.com. .
- Elizabeth, NJ - Front Street Transfer Station.
625 South Front Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07202. Phone: (908) 629-9270. Open: Saturday 7 am to 5 pm. Location Notes: Essex County residents need to call the ECUA at 973-857-2350 extension 134 to open an account. Hours for Essex County residents are Saturday 7 am to 1 pm. Fees apply, so please call for the fee schedule. This site accepts leaves, grass, trees, hedges, shrubs, and stumps.
- Fair Lawn, NJ -
Christmas trees are collected with yard
waste, ornaments must removed, including tinsel.
Remember to tie the branches. The Fair Lawn Recycling Division will be collecting Christmas
trees during the second full week of January. Trees must be free of tinsel and ornaments. Trees in plastic bags will NOT be collected. Wreaths and
artificial trees may be put out for regular garbage. Yard waste will NOT be collected. Trees must be at the curb by 6 AM on the scheduled day of
collection. This will be the only curbside collection for trees. Residents may drop off trees and yard waste at the Recycling Center during regular
operating hours. Questions: 201-796-1700.
- Franklin Lakes, NJ - Christmas Tree Recycling Collection on Thursday,
in the first and 3rd weeks in January.
There will be curbside collection of
Christmas trees throughout the Borough beginning on January 5 (collection may take several days) and then beginning again on January 19. Please be
patient as Gaeta works its way through the town. Do not place Christmas trees in the street. Remove all ornaments and do not place tress in plastic
bags. Trees in plastic bags will not be picked up.
- Gloucester County - Most do curbside
collection during the first 2 weeks in January, but it varies by each township and city, so
unfortunately, you need to contact your locality (below)
Municipality / Township Contact Person
& Phone Email or Web-site
Clayton Carol Carr /
856-881-3778 [email protected]
Deptford Twp. Patrick Rebecca / 856-227-4719
[email protected]
Greenwich Twp. Joseph Schweigart / 856-423-0654
[email protected]
Elk Township Steve Alexander / 856-881-6525, ext.21
Franklinville Bill Nese / 856-694-3155
www.franklintownship.com. .
Glassboro Russell Clark
/ 856-881-8422 www.glassboroonline.com.
Greenwiich Twp. Robert Schoch /
Harrison Township M. Micklasavage /
856-223-1308 [email protected]
Logan Township Dave McCormick /
856-467-0859 www.logan-twp.org
Mantua Twp. Glenn Demers /
856-468-1502 www.mantuatownship.com.
Monroe Township Recycling Office
/ 856-629-4444 www.monroetownshipnj.org
National Park James Walker /
856-848-2363 www.nationalparknj.com.
Newfield Everett Marshall /
856-697-1100 [email protected].
Paulsboro Charles Tinder /
856-423-1500 www.paulsboronj.org
Pitman Tom Brown / 856-589-1040
Harrison Twp. Jon Sukerforth / 856-769-0363
[email protected]
Swedesboro Recycling
Office / 856-467-0202
Washington Twp. Nick Pileggi /
856-589-0523 [email protected]
Wenonah Ken Trovarelli /
856-468-5228 www.BoroughofWenonah.com.
West Deptford Twp. Troy
DePrince / 856-845-4004,ext.141
Westville Donna Domico /
856-456-7785 www.westville-nj.com.
Woodbury Thomas F. dukelow /
856-853-0892 www.woodury.nj.us
Woodbury Heights David Baresich /
856-845-4519 [email protected].
Woolwich Township Mark Fruits / 856-467-2666
[email protected]
- Hoboken, NJ - residents looking to discard
Christmas trees, beginning on January 2, please place the tree at the curb on Tuesday or Thursday evenings after 7:30 pm (after 9 pm on Washington
Street). The trees are recycled into mulch, all lights, ornaments, stands, decorations and plastic must be removed, and trees should not be placed
in bags. For more information, please visit http://www.hobokennj.gov/waste.
Hunterdon County
Many municipalities in the county also offer tree-disposal service.
This link takes you to the current list of cities and towns in Hunterdon County that have a tree recycling location
. There
is also a Deer Path program which is open to county residents only, and identification will be required. Up to three trees per family will be accepted. No commercial drop-offs will be permitted, and no landscape debris or wreaths will be accepted. The trees will be chipped during the month, and woodchip mulch will be available for home use on a first-come, first-served basis. Call 782-1158 for information.
- Place your tree curbside Wednesday evening between the hours of 7 pm &
10 pm. Trees are picked up every Thursday citywide in
January. Christmas trees must be free of ornaments
and/or lights and placed curbside and picked up every Thursday
REGULAR GARBAGE.. For additional information please call
201-432-4645 EXT. 2620.
- Lebanon Township
-Township residents can drop off trees behind the Municipal
Building; call for this year's date. After January 6, residents should use the Hunterdon county program.
- Livingston, NJ - The Township of Livingston's
Christmas Tree Collection and Recycling program will officially
begin on the first working weekday after New Years Day and end on
January 31. Christmas trees will be collected Monday through Friday,
from 8 am to 4 pm. Residents can simply leave their undecorated
live-cut trees at the curb, as they would for recycling. The DPW
will chip the trees into mulch, which is made available to residents
for pickup at no cost.
- Mendham, NJ - DPW will pick up Christmas trees during the full weeks in January (usually January 5- 26, etc.). Type Christmas tree in the search on their
- Milfordilford - Curbside pickup will be during the
last week of January.
- Montclair, NJ
- The Township of Montclair Parks and Shade Tree Division at the Department of Community Services will be collecting Christmas trees only from curbside in January. There will be no drop off sites in the parks.
Christmas/Holiday Trees placed at the curb will be picked
up on a weekly basis during the entire month of January. All trees
are chipped and recycled as compost, so the stand, the plastic bag
cover, and all lights and tinsel must be removed. . To eliminate double handling, standard packer trucks will be used for the collection, and the trees will be composted for mulch. Residents are reminded to remove all decorations such as lights, balls, and tinsel, as well as the tree stand. In the event of a significant snowfall, trees will be collected upon completion of municipal snow removal efforts. For further information, please call the Dept. of Community Services at (973) 783-5600.
Wreaths will be collected separately with refuse.
- Moorestown - Residents can leave their Christmas Trees at the
curb with regular trash or recycling. The trees will be collected during regular brush collection.
Moorestown also has drop-off sites for recycling electric lights,
Morris Township, NJ - CHRISTMAS TREE
COLLECTION: Picked up during the month of January (weather permitting). Questions: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (DPW) RECYCLING DROP-OFF CENTER (973)
- Morris County - Christmas Trees (Recycling) The
trees should be dropped off at the wood chip area on the
immediate left side as you enter the facility (adjacent to the
road salt storage shed) All lights, ornaments, decorations, etc.
must be removed from the trees before drop off.
Click here for locations, updated information and more details.
The trees will be shredded and wood chips are available for free
at the same location as long the supply lasts. Residents have to
load the wood chips on their trucks/vans. No pick up or delivery
of trees or wood chips. The disposal area is open seven days
- Boonton Town Recycling Depot -
Plane Street DPW Garage,
Boonton, NJ 07005. Phone: 973-402-9460 Fax: (973) 263-4725.
Email: [email protected]. City website: boonton.org
- Boonton Township Recycling Depot - 155 Powerville Road (Behind Municipal Building),
Boonton Twp., NJ 07005. Phone: (973) 402-4024 Fax: (973) 402-4025. City website: boontontownship.com
- Chatham Twp. Recycling Depot - Tanglewood Lane,
Chatham, NJ 07928. Phone: 973-377-5114 . City website: chathamtownship-nj.gov/PWD/Recycling_main.html
- Denville Recycling Center - 140 Morris Avenue,
Denville, NJ 07834. Phone: 973-625-8334 . City website: denvillenj.org
- East Hanover Recycling Depot & Convenience Center - 8 Melanie Lane,
East Hanover, NJ 07936. Phone: 973-888-6080 Fax: 973-889-3981. City website: easthanovertownship.com
- Long Hill Public Works Recycling Center - South End of Warren Ave.,
Stirling, NJ 07980. Phone: (908) 647-0070 Fax: 908-647-4150.
Email: [email protected]. City website: longhillnj.gov
- Madison Recycling Depot at Borough Garage - Corner of Station Rd and John Ave.,
Madison, NJ 07940. Phone: 973-593-3088 Fax: 973-765-0953. City website: rosenet.org/gov
Parsippany Recycling Depot - Pump House Road,
(Located off Rt. 46 eastbound).
Parsippany, NJ 07054. Phone: (973) 263-7273 Fax: (973) 263-7373. City website: parsippany.net
- Randolph Twp Recycling Center - 1345 Sussex Turnpike,
Randolph, NJ 07069. Phone: 973.989.7050 . City website: randolphnj.org
- Rockaway Twp. McVeigh Recycling Center - 65 Mount Hope Road,
Rockaway, NJ 07866. Phone: 973-983-2842 . City website: rockawaytownship.org
- Rockaway Twp. Municipal Garage Recycling Center - 540 Green Pond Road,
Rockaway, NJ 07866. Phone: 973-983-2891 . City website: rockawaytownship.org
- Washington Twp. Recycling Depot - 54 Rock Road,
Long Valley, NJ 07853. Phone: 908-876-3382 Fax: (908) 876-5553. City website: wtmorris.org.
- Morris Plains, NJ - CHRISTMAS TREE PICK-UP - Collection days from January 2nd to mid-January.
No brush will be picked up. No plastic
bags, nails, wire or ornaments are to be left on trees.
Thank you
for your cooperation - Department of Public Works - 973-538-4494..
- Morristown, NJ - Trees are collected curbside during the month of January. Remove all decorations and leave it curbside. Bagged
trees, or any trees with ornaments and lights will not be collected. Questions? Call the Department of Public Works Office at 973-292-6670.
- New Brunswick, NJ - Curbside collection
Christmas trees will be collected curbside for composting in January. Residents are requested to place bare Christmas trees curbside on Tuesday
nights for collection every Wednesday in January.
Please call 732-745-5059 if you have any questions.
- New Milford, NJ - Curbside collection of Christmas
trees will during be the 2nd week of the month of January. Please
remove the following items from your Christmas trees before setting
out for collection: plastic bags, strings of lights, ornaments,
tinsel, tree stands and nails.
- Newark - Christmas tree collection starts Monday after Christmas and continues until the last Friday in January. During this time, crews sweep through
the city once per week collecting Christmas trees put out at the curb or service road. Please make sure trees are out for collection each week
by Monday at 7:00 in the morning. There is no need to call to schedule a Christmas tree collection. No trees will be collected after the last
Friday in January.Info: (973) 733-6685, Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm The Division of Recycling will
collect trees on the days and zones that trash is normally
picked up, as follows:
From residents whose trash is
collected on Mondays and Thursdays (Zone A)
From residents
whose trash is collected on Tuesdays and Fridays (Zone B)
Residents should place their trees at their curbside by 6 pm, the day before their scheduled pick-up. In addition, residents
can dispose of their Christmas Trees by taking them to the
Division of Recycling's Depot at 62 Frelinghuysen Avenue in the
South Ward, Mondays through Fridays, between 8 am and 3 pm
Click here for locations, updated information and more details.
- Ocean City - Christmas Trees should be decoration
and bag free and can be placed out for pick up with your regular
trash & recycling collection through the end of January. Or
Recycle your Christmas trees into mulch, compost your wood
chips at the Ocean County Northern and Southern Recycling
Centers during regular business hours. Also check with your
local public works. Residents can also drop off trees at various
locations of Ocean County parks
from December 26th through early January. Call or
visit their website for locations.Christmas trees -- unbagged and decoration free -- can be placed out for regular collection throughout the
month of January.
Ocean County, New Jersey
Christmas trees are
accepted during the holiday season at both the Northern and Southern
Recycling Centers. The Centers are open to accept these materials
Monday through Saturday, 7:30 am until 3:00 pm Only residents'
material is accepted on Saturdays, no landscapers or municipalities. The Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation will be collecting and
recycling Christmas trees between December 26 and January 31.
Tees can be dropped off at designated areas in the following County Park locations:
Cattus Island County Park, 1170 Cattus
Island Boulevard., Toms River Township
Cloverdale Farm County Park, 34 Cloverdale Road, Barnegat Township
Wells Mills County Park, 905 Route
#532, Ocean Township
Ocean County Park, 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood Township
Beaver Dam County Park, 3430 Bridge Avenue, Point Pleasant
Branch County Park, 1100 Double Trouble Road, Beachwood
Mill Creek County Park, 11 Chelsea Avenue, Berkeley Township
Enos Pond County Park,
330 East Lacey Road, Forked River
Robert J. Miller Airpark, 901 Route 530, Berkeley Township
Freedom Fields County Park, 1160 Route #539,
Little Egg Harbor Township
Patriots County Park, 485 Bowman Road, Jackson Township
Stanley H."Tip" Seaman County Park, 120 Lakeside Drive,
A. Paul King County Park, 2 W. Bay Avenue, Stafford Township
Ocean County Golf Course at Atlantis, 261 Country Club Boulevard,
Little Egg Harbor Township
Ocean County Golf Course at Forge Pond, 301 Chambers Bridge Avenue, Brick Township
- Raritan, NJ - Christmas Trees to Residents Only! REMOVE
requirements listed above, it will be accepted without the use of
your Non-Recycling permit cost.
204 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Flemington, NJ 08822. PHONE: 908-782-1695. Open: Monday, Wednesday,
Friday from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm; Saturdays from 7:30 am to
Thursdays, Sundays, Snow Days, & Holidays.
Somerset County -
Click here for locations, updated information and more details.
Curbside - Unadorned Christmas Trees (no bags please) are picked up for
recycling from the curb starting January 2 through the second
full week of January each year. After that, the garbage
contractor will collect the trees on garbage day.
Drop-off - Somerset County residents
may bring their tree to Colonial Park, Parking Lot F, 156 Mettlers Road in Somerset, Franklin Township or to North Branch
Park, 355 Milltown Road in Bridgewater at the northern end of
the parking lot near the lighted ball field. Both facilities
will accept trees from 8 am to 4 pm, seven days a week. Each
family is limited to only one tree that must be free of all
ornaments, wires, netting, and tinsel. Only natural trees will
be accepted. Wreaths and garland will not be accepted as these
items cannot be recycled. Deliveries from groups or dealers will
be rejected. Following these guidelines is necessary to maintain
a manageable recycling program. Trees will be chipped into wood
chip mulch which will be used throughout the park system to
mulch plantings. Some chips/mulch will be made available to the
public at each of the drop-off sites at no cost. For
information, call the Somerset County Park Commission
Horticulture Department at 732 873-2459, ext. 21. Phone: 732-469-3363. Email:
[email protected]. - South Brunswick, NJ -
Christmas Trees: Unadorned Christmas Trees (no bags please) are
picked up for recycling from the curb starting January 2 through
the second full week of January each year. After that, the
garbage contractor will collect the trees on garbage day.
- South Orange, NJ - Christmas Tree Collection - The
Department of Public Works will be collecting Christmas Trees
beginning soon after New Year's Day and continuing through the month. Please be advised of the
following guidelines regarding the curbside collection: 1. Do NOT
wrap Christmas Trees in plastic for collection. 2. Do NOT leave
ornaments, garland, or lights on the tree. 3. Wreaths will NOT be
picked up as part of this collection. Residents should adhere to
these guidelines as to not have the pickup rejected.
- Toms River, NJ - From mid-January through January 31, Public Works will collect
Christmas trees. Place the trees at the curb for collection. Also, from January 2nd through January 31st, residents may recycle Christmas
trees by taking them to any one of the following locations below.
After January 31, all trees must be dropped off at our Recycling
Convenience Center on Church Road. The trees will be made into wood
chips rather than being added to the landfill thus saving landfill
tipping fees.
- Skyview Park (Vaughn Avenue)
- Riverwood Park (Riverwood Avenue)
- Silverton Park (Maine
- Bayside Park (Bay Blvd., Ortley)
- Bey
Lea Park (Tennis Court and Parking Lot)
- Chadwick Beach
Park (Strickland Blvd.)
- Money Island Park (Longfellow
- Winding River Park - South (Off Rt. 37 West)
- Toms River Township Recycling Center (Church Road)
- Somerset County -
The Somerset County Park Commission is hosting a free, live Christmas tree recycling program from December 26 until
the end of January. Trees can be dropped off from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at one of two locations:
North Branch Park located at 355 Milltown Road,
at the lighted baseball field, (Bridgewater)
Colonial Park Gardens, located at 156 Mettlers Road, Parking Lot F, in Somerset (Franklin
The recycled trees will be used for mulch and woodchips throughout the park system, officials said. Free mulch will be available at the
drop-off sites on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Warren County - The Warren County Pollution Control Financing Authority will
recycle your used Christmas tree free of charge.
Warren Township Public Works Department will be accepting Christmas trees for recycling
through the FIRST Wednesday in January. Just bring your Christmas tree to the Municipal ball fields and follow the signs,
I cannot confirm for
this year, so for further information, call (908) 453-2174) but in past years, you could also bring your trees to the Convenience Center located at the
Warren County District Landfill located at 500 Mt. Pisgah Avenue, Oxford, NJ from January 2nd through February 28th, Monday through Friday, 7 am to
4 pm and Saturday, 7 am to 11 am. Check with your municipality to see if trees are picked up and if there is any charge. All stands, lights,
decorations, and tinsel must be removed because real Christmas trees go through wood chipping machines and anything else on the tree can jam the
machine. Artificial Christmas trees can not be recycled. They must go out with the garbage. Wreaths, whether they are real or artificial, must go
out in the garbage. Since wreaths are held together with wire and plastic, they can not go through a wood-chipping machine like a real Christmas
- Woolwich Township - CHRISTMAS TREES will be picked up during a couple of special collections in mid-January. (REFER TO The
Woolwich NJ Yard Waste Schedule for the day of
week and dates). (trees with tree stands , lights or
ornaments remaining will not be collected)