Where and How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees in Kentucky after Christmas
2024 and in January 2025

In many urban and suburban areas, Christmas trees are collected from curbside during the first 2 weeks in January. Be sure to remove all
remove all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, stands, other
NON-Organic decorative materials and other materials that are not part
of the original tree. This includes tree stands also. Flocked trees are usually accepted, but not artificial trees. Large trees (larger
than the standard 6 - 7 ft tree) may need to be cut in half to
be acceptable by your
garbage hauler. But scrroll down this page for more specific
information and local links.
What happens to the trees? In most cases, the trees are chipped and made into a mulch
which is usually made available, free to city or county residents.
Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove.
Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and could cause a
chimney fire.
Tips: Always follow the links (usually the name of the city or county) below for updated information, as these agencies often wait until the last minute to change dates or
update their information (it's government, remember?). If your area is
not specifically mentioned below, contact your trash collection agency and inquire!
Related information:
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
If it has just snowed; see
this page about how to make snocones from real snow!
Your kids will love it!
Click here for the list of winter sleigh ride locations!
See our easy recipes to
make a
Chocolate Yule log
click here to make your own low-fat,
low calorie but delicious Egg Nog
! Then come back to our
other website in March to
find a
local Easter Egg Hunt for your children
! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
Kentucky: Where and How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree After the Holidays January 2025
Kentucky Fish and Wildlife - Across the state
KDFWR has drop-off points across the state where you can bring your
old tree and put it to good use. KDFWR will take your tree and
combine it with others to create fish attractors for lakes all over
the state. These brush reefs provide nesting and rearing habitat for
gamefish as well as creating homes for invertebrates and smaller
fishes that provide food for larger fish. Just clean your tree of
all of the artificial decorations, lights, tinsel, ornaments, etc.
and drop it off - click the link above for our locations list ! The program usually runs the first 2 weeks in January, daily from 8 am to 5 pm.
- Boone County, KY - Christmas
Treecycling, Recycle your natural Christmas trees!
Recycle your natural Christmas trees with us! Please remove all tinsel, ornaments, ribbons,
lights, and bags. All trees will be mulched and properly disposed of. Take your trees, from December 26th until Saturday January 7th, 2023,
at 8:00am.
Note: Florence residents have the option for curbside pickup on January 4th?? They have not published this year's date. Residents must
leave trees on the curb; any trees not left on the curb will not be collected.**
Christmas Tree Drop-Off. - Please drop off your trees BEFORE 8:00am at the below locations. If you have any questions, please contact Megan Clere at
Boone County Extension Enrichment Center, 1824 Patrick Drive, Burlington, KY 41005
Park (near Boone County High School), 7340 Burlington Pike, Florence, KY 41042
Union Park FKA Union Pool, 10165 Old Union Road,
Union, KY 41091.
Walton Park (by the back ball fields), 35 Old Stephenson Mill Road, Walton, KY 41094.
Christian Church - Hebron Campus (corner of North Bend Road and Tanners Road), 1980 North Bend Road, Hebron, KY 41048.
Bring your broken holiday string lights
to us!
All kinds of string lights are accepted, including traditional and LED-style bulbs. Please remove any boxes and bags. We have two locations:
Boone County Public Works (5645 Idlewild Road, Burlington) and
Boone County Conservation District (6028 Camp Ernst Road, Burlington).
- Boyle County, KY - Boyle County Department of Solid Waste Mgt. will now begin accepting Christmas trees, at the Alum Springs
Convenience Center, 859-854-3404, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday to Saturday., except holidays.
Cities of Danville and Perryville and also those
with private trash collection must cut trees into 3 foot sections, Trees should be placed curbside only on regular scheduled trash days.
trees must meet these requirements: All lights, tinsel, garland, tree stands, and ornaments MUST be removed. These items will damage the tub
grinder. Any trees not meeting these strict requirements WILL NOT be collected.
Artificial trees or trees that have been treated with a chemical,
i.e. artificial snow, must be taken to Convenience Centers for disposal, or cut in 3' sections and set out to curb on your regular trash day.
For more information Call Boyle County Department of Solid
Waste at 859-319-4803 or M & M Sanitation at 859-936-0957
- Campbell County - Campbell County operates a Tree Recycling Program in cooperation with Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
! The program usually runs the first 2 weeks in January, daily from 8 am to 5 pm.. Residents can drop off live, undecorated trees to be used for
fish habitat in lakes across the state.
Pendery Sports Park Campbell 4051 Mary Ingles Highway, Melbourne, KY 41059 Allyn Reinecke 859-547-1873
- Covington, KY - There are two ways for residents to get rid of trees:
Curbside collection: Residents can arrange to have
their tree picked up on regular trash collection days. Residents must contact Rumpke at (800) 828-8171 or by email
[email protected] 48 hours in advance to request their tree be picked up. The pickup will happen
on regular garbage and recycling collection days. This option starts the first full week in January 4 and lasts until mid-January. .
Drop-off -
Trees can also be dropped off from December 26 through mid-January at three different locations:
- In South Covington at the parking lot at Tripoli
and Hands Pike, adjacent to Neighborhood Park.
- At the Urban Forestry Garage at 1700 Montague Road in Devou Park.
- In the parking lot at 14
Pete Rose Pier, which is the foot of Bakewell Street on the north side of the Ohio River floodwall.
- Crescent Springs, KY - Christmas Tree Recycling
Program - You can recycle your Christmas tree until the second Thursday in January. Trees can be dropped off at the Park and Ride on Anderson Road. Trees should be
placed in the roped off area on the lot. Curbside pick up by Public Works is also available by calling 344-0797. Please remember, no artificial
trees. All lights, ornaments and decorations must be removed.
- Florence, KY
- Two options are available to recycle your Christmas tree this season. Curbside pickup will occur on ONE day in early January (set out no later
than 7:00 am).
Please leave your tree on the curb the night before for Florence Public Services to collect. Trees not set on the curb will not be collected. There
will be no curbside pickup outside of Florence. If you have any questions, please contact Jeremy Kleier at 859-647-5416. You can also take your tree
to one of the Boone County drop off locations (see Boone County, above)
- Fort Wright, KY
- They have curbside collection, but they would like to remind and encourage anyone with a live Christmas tree to recycle it instead of putting it
out in the trash.
Remove all ornaments, tinsel, lights, and any other artificial decorations and drop your "live" tree at our designated drop
zone. This year's drop zone will once again be located at City Hall, 409 Kyles Lane. The tree corral will be near the Guardian Angel Garden on the
northeast side of the City Building. The Christmas Tree Drop-Off Zone will be available starting Sunday, December 26th. It will close for
shredding on the second Friday in January. At that time, Kenton County Public Works will turn the trees into mulch to be used in the future.
Christmas Tree Recycling is offered free-of-charge to anyone wishing to drop off their "live" tree. For more information, please contact them at
859-331-1700 or [email protected].
- Junction City, KY - Boyle County Department of Solid Waste Mgt.
will now begin accepting Christmas trees for Recycling and Disposal,
at the Alum Springs Convenience Center, 859-854-3404, from 9 am
to 4:30 pm Tues. - Saturday, except holidays. Cities of Danville and
Perryville and also those with private trash collection must cut
Trees in 3 foot sections, Trees should be placed curbside only on
regular scheduled trash days. Must meet these requirements:
lights, tinsel, garland, tree stands, and ornaments MUST be removed.
These items will damage the tub grinder. Any trees not meeting these
strict requirements WILL NOT be collected.
Artificial trees or
trees that have been treated with a chemical, i.e. artificial snow,
must be taken to Convenience Centers for disposal, or cut in 3'
sections and set out to curb on your regular trash day.
For more information Call Boyle County
Department of Solid Waste at 859-319-4803 or M & M Sanitation at
- Kenton County, KY - Remove all
tinsel, ornaments, ribbons, lights and bags so the trees can be mulched. Drop-off locations and dates are January 2 through early January BUT they
have not published any updated information online since 2020, so, my advice is get there before January 4th or call them! Phone: 859-392-1919 The
dates below are from PREVIOUS YEARS
Ludlow, January 4: Ludlow City Park, 600 Elm St.
Erlanger, January 5: Erlanger Public Works, 505 Commonwealth Avenue.
Park Hills, January 6: Trolley Park, 1101 Amsterdam Rd.
Villa Hills, January 7: Franzen Field, 729 Rogers Rd.
Taylor Mill, January 8: Pride Park: 5614
Taylor Mill Rd.
Covington, January 11: Kenton County Extension Center: 10990 Marshall Rd.
Fort Wright, January 12: Fort Wright City Building: 409
Kyles Lane.
Edgewood, January 13: President & Freedom Park: 283 Dudley Rd.
Crestview Hills, January 13: Crestview Hills City Building: 50 Town
Center Boulevard.
Crescent Springs, January 14, Crescent Springs Park & Ride: 2304 Buttermilk Crossing.
Lakeside Park, January 14: Lakeside Park
City Building: 9 Buttermilk Pike.
Independence, January 15: Memorial Park: 2003 Jackwoods Pkwy.
Independence, January 15: Kenton County Public
Works: 420 Independence Station Road.
- Lexington, KY - Christmas trees can be recycled with yard waste. If you are a city
garbage customer, put your tree on the curb for normal collection
day. Christmas trees are collected after the holiday through mid-January. Simply place the tree at the curb for pickup on your regular collection
day after removing all lights, tinsel and ornaments. . Contact LexCall 3-1-1, or 425-2255
if Christmas Tree is not collected on your normal collection day.
Apartment and businesses should call LexCall for information on
Christmas tree pickup.
- Louisville, KY - residents are encouraged to recycle their natural Christmas trees,
turning them into nutrient-rich mulch for free. Christmas Tree Composting. Starting Saturday, December 26, drop-off sites will be available
for all Louisville/Jefferson County residents at four locations. The Hubbards Lane site will also instantly recycle Christmas trees into mulch that
will be offered back to citizens for home use. Those wishing to receive mulch must bring an appropriate container in which to carry it. All lights
and ornaments should be removed from trees before they are dropped off or set out for collection. Christmas tree vendors may recycle their unsold
trees on Saturday, December 26 only, and only at the Hubbards Lane site.
Curbside Collection
December 26, residents with City curbside yard waste pickup may set
their Christmas trees and greenery out on their regular collection
day. Trees must not be in plastic bags, and all decorations must be
removed. Residents normally serviced by private waste haulers should
check with those companies to see whether and when tree pickup is
Drop-off sites
Starting Saturday, December 26 through January, Christmas Tree & Yard Waste
Drop-Off Locations are open Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Waste Reduction Center closes at 3 p.m. on Saturdays)
All locations will close at
1 p.m. on Friday, December 31 and will be closed Saturday, January 1 and Saturday, January 15.
- East District Recycling Center, 595 N. Hubbards Lane
- Public Works Yard, 10500 Lower River Road (enter from Bethany Lane)
- Waste Reduction Center, 636 Meriwether Avenue
- Shawnee Park, 230 Southwestern Parkway (Athletic Complex)
The Hubbards Lane site will instantly recycle Christmas trees into mulch that will be offered back to citizens for home use. Those wishing to
receive mulch must bring an appropriate container in which to carry it. All lights and ornaments should be removed from trees before they are
dropped off. Yard waste must be in compliance with curbside guidelines.
every five trees recycled, approximately 35 pounds of mulch can be
created and used to help new plant and tree growth. This mulch
performs particularly well for acid-loving plants such as azaleas
and rhododendrons.
- Pulaski County, KY - KDFWR has drop-off point
KDFWR Somerset Regional Office, 135 Realty Lane, Somerset, KY 42501. Phone:
KDFWR will take your tree and combine it with others to create fish attractors for lakes all over the state. These brush reefs
provide nesting and rearing habitat for gamefish as well as creating homes for invertebrates and smaller
fishes that provide food for larger fish. Just clean your tree of
all of the artificial decorations, lights, tinsel, ornaments, etc.
and drop it off - click the link above for our locations list ! The program usually runs the first 2 weeks in January, daily from 8 am to 5 pm.
- Shelby County, KY - KDFWR has drop-off points
Guist Creek Lake Marina, 11990 Boat Dock Road, Shelbyville, KY 40065. Phone:
KDFWR will take your tree and combine it with others to create fish attractors for lakes all over the state. These brush reefs
provide nesting and rearing habitat for gamefish as well as creating homes for invertebrates and smaller
fishes that provide food for larger fish. Just clean your tree of
all of the artificial decorations, lights, tinsel, ornaments, etc.
and drop it off - click the link above for our locations list ! The program usually runs the first 2 weeks in January, daily from 8 am to 5 pm.
- Warren County, KY - KDFWR has drop-off point
Southwest District Fisheries Office , Approximately one mile down Bennett Lane, just
past Schneider Lane intersection, Bowling Green. Phone: 270-746-7127. .
Cabela's Outpost, 3395 Nell O'Bryan Court, Bowling Green, KY 42103
Phone:l 270-936-8324
KDFWR will take your tree and combine it with others to create fish attractors for lakes all over the state. These brush
reefs provide nesting and rearing habitat for gamefish as well as creating homes for invertebrates and smaller
fishes that provide food for larger fish. Just clean your tree of
all of the artificial decorations, lights, tinsel, ornaments, etc.
and drop it off - click the link above for our locations list ! The program usually runs the first 2 weeks in January, daily from 8 am to 5 pm.