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How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas TreesWhere and How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees in Colorado after Christmas 2024 and in January 2025

How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees

In many urban and suburban areas, Christmas trees are collected from curbside during the first 2 weeks in January. Be sure to remove all remove all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, stands, other NON-Organic decorative materials and other materials that are not part of the original tree. This includes tree stands also. Flocked trees are usually accepted, but not artificial trees. Large trees (larger than the standard 6 - 7 ft tree) may need to be cut in half to be acceptable by your garbage hauler. But scrroll down this page for more specific information and local links.

What happens to the trees? In most cases, the trees are chipped and made into a mulch which is usually made available, free to city or county residents. Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove. Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and could cause a chimney fire.

Tips: Always follow the links (usually the name of the city or county) below for updated information, as these agencies often wait until the last minute to change dates or update their information (it's government, remember?). If your area is Grinding Christmas trees into mulchnot specifically mentioned below, contact your trash collection agency and inquire!

Related information:

See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights

If it has just snowed; see this page about how to make snocones from real snow! Your kids will love it!

Click here for the list of winter sleigh ride locations!

See our easy recipes to make a Chocolate Yule log and click here to make your own low-fat, low calorie but delicious Egg Nog ! Then come back to our other website in March to find a local Easter Egg Hunt for your children ! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Colorado: Where and How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree After the Holidays January 2025

  • Arvada, CO - Has 2 drop-sites for residents to recycle Christmas trees free of charge.
    from December 26th thru late January
    Lake Arbor Lake Park at 6400 Pomona Drive is accepting trees beginning Wednesday, December 26th thru mid-January. No restricted days or times.
    Stenger Fields at West 58th Avenue and Oak Street is accepting trees beginning Wednesday, December 26th thru mid-January. No restricted days or times
    What to Know Before you Go: Please do not drop off branches or trees downed by the Christmas wind storm. Please make sure the tree is free of nails, wire and all decorations to ensure safety of City staff handling the trees. We do not accept garlands, wreaths, or yard waste. Business or commercial use not permitted.. The mulch will be available free of charge at all drop-site locations. Residents will be responsible for loading and hauling of mulch. For more information on the Christmas tree mulching program or how to use mulch in your landscape, call the Parks Department at 720-898-7410.
    Jefferson County tree recycling.
  • Aurora - residents can recycle their Christmas trees at one of three local drop-off sites. Drop off your Christmas tree anytime from December 26th through the second Monday in January (that's usually around the 7th to 10th) for recycling at the following locations:
    Please remove all nails, decorations and stands from trees prior to drop-off. Free mulch is available anytime (while supplies last) at all drop-off locations. Please bring your own truck, bags, shovel and containers.
    Call 303.739.7177 for more information. . Some homeowner's associations have green waste services provided that include curbside pickup of Christmas trees. For an additional fee, these companies may also pick up trees from households not in a homeowner's association. Contact your trash removal provider for details:
    Lies Waste Systems 303.286.6700Call: 303-286-6700
    American Disposal Services 303.288.5279Call: 303-288-5279
    Republic Services
    303.286.1200Call: 303-286-1200
    Waste Management
    303.797.1600Call: 303-797-1600
    Garbage Man* 720.842.4558Call: 720-222-0692
    Pro Disposal* 303.791.3827Call: 303-791-3827
    For more information about Christmas tree recycling in the city of Aurora, contact the Forestry Division at 303.739.7177. You can also check for updates on theAurora Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department's Facebook page.
  • Boulder County/City of Boulder - You can drop off your tree at the Yard Waste and Wood Drop-off Center
    or, Curbside collection also available. 303-444-2037.
  • Delta County, Colorado - Delta Solid Waste Management Authority (DSWMA) operates the recycling center for Delta County. They recycle Christmas trees from December 26 through late January, Monday to Wednesday 8 am to 3 pm, Saturday 8 am to noon. For more information call 906-786-9056, or email is [email protected]. The City of Delta may also use Delta County recycling center. They will pick up your tree if you call and schedule to have your Christmas tree picked up.
  • Colorado Springs, CO - With the assistance of El Paso County, the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Utilities, Rocky Top Resources, and the Colorado Springs Gazette, Colorado Springs Youth Sports will be operating a TreeCycle event to reduce tree waste, provide free mulch and support youth sports. For a suggested minimum donation of only $5 per tree, (you can donate online at area residents can drop off trees. Colorado Springs Youth Sports is a charitable non-profit organization that operates the El Pomar Youth Sports Park. 100% of donations received benefit area youth.
    Choose from the first Two Weekends in January! The first and second weekends: in 2023, that's December 31 & January 1 and January 7 & 8 from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
    Keep your Christmas tree out of the landfill and and turn it into useful mulch at the below six locations for a $5 suggested minimum donation benefiting Colorado Springs Youth Sports, the El Pomar Youth Sports Park and six area youth service organizations:
    Baptist Road Trailhead (Baptist Rd. & Old Denver Highway)
    Falcon Trailhead (SW of Woodmen Rd. & McLaughlin Rd.)
    Cottonwood Creek Park (Dublin Blvd. & Montarbor Rd.)
    Sky Sox Stadium (Barnes Rd. & Tutt Blvd.)
    Rock Ledge Ranch (Gateway Rd. & 30th St.)
    Memorial Park (Pikes Peak Ave. & Union Blvd.)

    Extended Hours at Rocky Top Resources
    December 27-30 and January 3-14 & 17-31, in 2023
    7:30 am to 5:00 PM Weekdays & 8 am to 4:00 PM Saturdays (Closed Sundays)
    1755 E. Las Vegas St. Find more information at , El  or (719) 520-7871.) Boy Scout Troop 246 will also pick up trees .
  • Denver, Colorado - Treecycle collections in Denver usually run the first two weeks of January. Get more information click here . Remove all tinsel, lights, decorations, tree stands and plastic bags from Christmas trees prior to collection. Please ensure trees do not become stuck or frozen in snow bank Set your tree out for collection at your normal trash set-out location by 7 am on Friday, January 5th or by 7 am on Friday, mid-January. Reclaim free mulch made from your tree at the annual Mulch Giveaway & Compost Sale in May.
    OR Recycle your tree!
    Step 1. Remove all decorations, lights, and the tree stand from your tree. Only natural, real trees will be accepted. No artificial or flocked trees.
    Step 2. Bring your tree to one of our locations below: 
        WEEKDAY DROP SITES: January 2 to January 31* The following Treecycle locations will be open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    Cherry Creek Transfer Station - 7301 E. Jewell Ave. (enter on E. Jewell Ave.)
    Havana Nursery - 10450 Smith Rd. (enter on Smith Road)
    Central Platte Campus - 1271 W. Bayaud Ave. (next to the Denver Animal Shelter)
    *These locations will be closed on the Monday of Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
        WEEKEND DROP SITES: The last 3 Saturdays in January: The following Treecycle locations will be open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    Sloan's Lake Northwest Parking Lot - W. Byron Pl. and Yates St.
    Bruce Randolph - E. 40th Ave. and Steele St.
    Fred Thomas Park - 2400 Quebec St.
    Evie Dennis School Campus - 4800 Telluride St.
    Central Platte Campus - 1271 W. Bayaud Ave.
    Carson Elementary - 5420 E 1st Ave.
    Kennedy High School - Newland St. and Brown Pl.
    Slavens Elementary - 3000 S Clayton St.
    Congress Park - 850 N Josephine St.
  • Douglas County - Please remove all ornaments, lights, tinsel, garland, plastic wrap, tree stands, wire, rope, nails, etc. before bringing trees to be recycled. Live trees with artificial snow sprayed on the branches cannot be mulched. Please check with your local jurisdiction or newspaper during the holiday season as Christmas trees are typically accepted at the following locations, but are subject to change.
    Drop-off dates: December 26th through January 31, Hours: Anytime. Contact Information: Douglas County Parks at 720-733-6990. Mulch: Available on-site while supplies last
    Bayou Gulch, 4815 Fox Sparrow Road, Parker
    Challenger Regional Park, 17299 E. Lincoln Ave., Parker
    Fairgrounds Regional Park, 500 Fairgrounds Drive, Castle Rock
    Highland Heritage Regional Park, 9651 S. Quebec St.
    Castle Rock, Drop-off dates: December 26th through January 31, Hours: Anytime, Mulch: Available to the public at Metzler Ranch Park while supplies last.
    Founders Park, 4671 Enderud Blvd
    Metzler Ranch Community Park , 4175 Trail Boss Drive
    Paintbrush Park, 3492 Meadows Blvd.
    Highlands Ranch, Drop-off dates: December 25 through mid-January, Hours: Anytime
    Contact Information: Highlands Ranch Metro District at 303-791-0430; Douglas County Parks for Highland Heritage Park (see below)
    Mulch: Available on a self-serve basis on-site while supplies last

    Dad Clark Park, 3385 Asterbrook Cir.
    Redstone Park, 3280 Redstone Park Cir.
    Toepfer Park, 9480 Venneford Ranch Rd.

    Drop-off dates: December 25 through the end of January
    Hours: 6 am to 11 pm.
    Contact Information: Town of Parker at 303-840-9546
    Mulch: Available on a self-serve basis on-site while supplies last for the first week in January

    Salisbury Park (East paved parking lot), 12010 S. Motsenbocker Rd.
  • El Paso County - TreeCycle Recycle Your Christmas Tree. Trees will be ground into mulch at all locations and given away free (bring your own tools to load your vehicle with the mulch). Equipment-loaded mulch available at Rocky Top Resources only. $5.00 100% of suggested minimum donation supports community youth sports programs the first 2 Weekends in January from 9 am to 5 pm. Seven Drop-Off Locations in Colorado Springs and El Paso County $5 suggested minimum donation benefiting Colorado Springs Youth Sports, the El Pomar Youth Sports Park and six area youth service organizations:
    Baptist Road Trailhead (Baptist Rd. & Old Denver Highway)
    Falcon Trailhead (SW of Woodmen Rd. & McLaughlin Rd.)
    Cottonwood Creek Park (Dublin Blvd. & Montarbor Rd.)
    Sky Sox Stadium (Barnes Rd. & Tutt Blvd.)
    Rock Ledge Ranch (Gateway Rd. & 30th St.)
    Memorial Park (Pikes Peak Ave. & Union Blvd.)
  • Englewood, CO Christmas Tree Recycling - Every year from January 1 through 31, the Parks Division accepts Christmas trees for recycling at 3 area parks:
    Bates/Logan Park (2938 S. Logan Street);
    Belleview Park (5001 S. Inca Street);
    Centennial Park (4630 S. Decatur Street);
    Please make sure all decorations are removed from the tree before dropping it off. Free Mulch Mulch is a good way to help retain the moisture in the soil. Mulch should be a good 1-6" thick and extend to the drip line of shrubs and small trees. The City of Englewood offers free mulch to its citizens on a first come, first serve basis. The mulch is from Christmas trees dropped off in January. For information, call 303-762-2520 or 303-762-2523.
  • Erie, CO - Until mid-January, the Town of Erie is hosting their annual Christmas Tree Recycling Program. Please check the Recycling Center website for updated information. Closures may occur at the discretion of Town Staff for weather, safety, or full recycling bins. The Town will not accept food waste or any plastic bagged yard waste. All trees must be free from decorations, hooks, ornaments, tinsel, string, and beads. Residents of Erie (proof of residency required).
    The designated drop-off area will be clearly marked at the Erie Recycling Center (at 1000 Briggs Street).Christmas trees will only be accepted for recycling through Sunday, mid-January Please Note: The Town will not accept bagged or loose leaves, tree stumps or other yard waste or house waste. Please remove all ornaments, tinsel, string and beads. Call 303-926-2887. See the announcement here.
  • Evergreen, CO -  Holiday Tree Recycling Event 9:00 am - 3:00 pm-  Friday, January 5, 2024, Saturday, January 6, 2023 and and Saturday January 13, 2024 at 
    Two locations Phone: (720) 536-0069. Email: [email protected]. .
    Recycle your holiday tree and block styrofoam
    - Jan 6, 2024, 1-4pm at vacant lot (old McDonalds) across from King Soopers, 1246 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO 80439.
    - Jan 6,2024  9am-3pm at vacant lot (1246 Bergen Parkway) and Evergreen Lutheran Church (5980 Hwy 73)
    - Jan 13, 2024, 9am-3pm at vacant lot (1246 Bergen Parkway) and Evergreen Lutheran Church (5980 Hwy 73)
    Trees are mulched by LamTreeServices for community use. Donations are appreciated! Volunteer for this fun event, signup here. Did you know, that there is 0 kg of CO2 released if you cut your tree down, use it, then chip it up (using renewable power) and spread it on your garden. Why nothing? Because trees lock away carbon primarily in their trunks. And if you grind those up at the end of Christmas, you produce long-lasting bark mulch that releases CO2 very slowly over several years as part of a natural process.
  • Golden, Colorado - Christmas Tree recycling is provided by the City of Golden Forestry Division. (303) 384-8141. Email: [email protected]. Program details and Dates and locations published in the December issue of the Golden Informer and in the Weekly Digest.. The City of Golden provides a quick and easy way for you to dispose of your Christmas trees after the ornaments and lights have come off. Drop off your trees now through January 27 west of the intersection at Highway 93 & Golden Gate Canyon Road. Please place your tree near the sign posted for tree recycling. Trees must be stripped of all ornaments, hardware, strings of lights and tinsel. This is for live trees only. The trees will be turned into mulch, which will eventually be available for free at the public pickup site on 11th Street, just west of the Clear Creek History Park. For further details, contact the City of Golden Forestry office at 303-384-8141.
  • Grand Junction, CO - Residents may recycle their Christmas trees at the Mesa County Organic Materials Composting Facility (3071 Highway 50 on Orchard Mesa) starting after Christmas, Tuesday through Saturday 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m. The Christmas trees will be processed for compost production onsite. Residents may recycle their Christmas trees at the Mesa County Organic Materials Composting Facility starting after Christmas, Tuesday through Saturday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm For more information call (970) 263-9319, or go online at under The County Connection Janet.
  • Greeley, CO - Greeley Organic Waste (GROW) Center Christmas Tree Recycling- Phone: 970-673-2042. Through the end of January, Greeley residents are encouraged to recycle their Christmas trees at the Greeley Organic Waste (GROW) Center, free of charge. Residents may dispose of one tree per trip to the site, located at 1130 E 8th Street. Please be sure to remove all decorations, lights, and wiring. Wreaths will not be accepted. GROW Center hours of operation are Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. Location: 1130 E 8th St, Greeley, Colorado 80631. Directions: Located one mile east of Highway 85 on East 8th Street. There will be a $5.00 fee for any tree recycled after January 31.
  • Gunnison, CO - The town of Gunnison picks up Christmas trees for town residents in January. Place your tree in the alley for pick up. County residents may drop off their Christmas trees at the Tree Dump. The Tree Dump is located on County Road 51. Place the trees off to the side of the gate. Please make sure the trees do not block of the gate. For more information call 970-641-8020. Please remove Christmas lights, wires, string, and ornaments from the tree. If transporting the tree in a bag, please remove the tree from the bag before dropping it off. C
  • Highlands Ranch, Colorado - Drop-off dates: December 25 through mid-January. Hours: Anytime. Contact Information: Highlands Ranch Metro District at 303-791-0430; Douglas County Parks for Highland Heritage Park (see below). Mulch: Available on a self-serve basis on-site while supplies last. Tree drop-off Locations:
    Dad Clark Park, 3385 Asterbrook Cir.
    Highland Heritage Regional Park, 9651 S. Quebec St. (Contact Douglas County Parks at 720-733-6990 for this site)
    Redstone Park, 3280 Redstone Park Cir.
    Toepfer Park, 9480 Venneford Ranch Rd.
  • Lafayette, CO - The Lafayette City Service Center will accept Christmas trees for drop-off recycling during the following dates and times;
    Lafayette City Service Center, 1700 Avalon Ave, Lafayette, CO 80026. Email: [email protected].. December 28 to January 28th on Monday thru Friday from 6am- 2:30pm at 1700 Avalon Drive. View this link for more information:. (The Service Center will be closed on January 1st for New Years Day and on the MLK Holiday. Also this Lafayette page.
    Please be aware this is for Christmas trees ONLY. Trees must be free of all wire, lights, rope, ornaments, and tinsel. PLEASE no flocked trees. Branches, leaves, or other yard waste will not be accepted. The Service Center will be CLOSED for drop-offs on New Years Day, and in observance of the Martin Luther King holiday.
  • Lakewood, CO - Tree recycling from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, December 27 through the second Sunday in January (In 2023, that's Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023,), for Lakewood residents. Tree drop-off will take place at Lakewood's Greenhouse, 9556 W. Yale Ave. The greenhouse is located between Estes and old Kipling streets. Please follow posted signs and drop trees in the designated area.  Tree recycling is free for Lakewood residents, and trees dropped off for recycling must be free of all wire, ornaments, nails and tinsel. This service handles Christmas trees from residents only; wreaths, garland and trees from private contractors will not be accepted. Mulch will be available upon request. For more information, please call 720-963-5240.
  • Larimer County and Fort Collins, CO - These drop-off locations are free of charge from December 26th through late January, open daily during daylight hours.
    The City of Fort Collins and Larimer County will host their annual Christmas tree recycling program. This program is free to residents; however, all decorations must be completely removed from trees prior to drop-off. This includes lights, ornaments, tinsel, wire, hooks, nails, plastic bags, and fake snow. Recycled trees will be repurposed and used for landscaping application in the spring, so wood mulch produced from these trees must be contamination-free.No wreaths or artificial trees will be accepted. Check with thrift stores to donate any artificial trees in good condition.
    Larimer County Green Waste Program
    5887 S. Taft Hill Rd., Fort Collins, CO 80521. Phone: (970) 498-5760. Larimer County Landfill
    Larimer County Landfill charges $5 per tree this year until January 15th.
    Hageman Earth Cycle Inc.
    3501 E. Prospect Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80525. Phone: 970-221-7173. Hageman Earth Cycle
    $1 per tree (check, the price may have changed)
    City of Fort Collins: Timberline Recycling Center - Hard to Recycle Materials Yard
    1903 S. Timberline Road, Fort Collins, CO 80525. Phone: (970) 221-6600. Timberline Recycling Center Hard-to-Recycle Materials Yard
    $10 per tree (entrance fee to hard-to-recycle yard of $5 and tree disposal of $5.)
  • Littleton, CO - From from December 26 thru mid-January you may take your tree to the Littleton collection site, located at Cornerstone Park at the southeast corner of West Belleview Avenue and South Windermere Street. Access to the site is off of Windermere Street just south of Belleview, with the drop site in the parking lot adjacent to the soccer fields. South Suburban will collect trees at its Willow Springs Service Center (WSSC), 7100 South Holly Street in Centennial. Look for the designated enclosure by the front gate. Both sites are open everyday during daylight hours. All lights, ornaments, nails, and plastic bags must be removed prior to dropping off trees. This drop off site is for natural Christmas trees only. Do not drop off flocked trees, artificial trees, leaves, branches or other refuse. The trees will be ground into mulch, which will be available free to the public at the sites for as long as the supply lasts. The city's grounds maintenance division also provides free wood mulch throughout the year. The mulch pile is located on the northwest corner of South Prescott Street and West Prentice Avenue. The site is open to the public during day light hours and the mulch supply is replenished regularly. Residents are responsible for loading so bring bags, trash cans and a shovel or pitchfork. For information call 303-795-3863.
  • Longmont, CO - See or call 303-651-8416. Longmont Christmas Tree Recycling Christmas Tree Disposal will be at four satellite locations this year until January 7, 2023. These are:
    Roosevelt Park; you will find it in the parking lot south of 8th Avenue
    Garden Acres Baseball Park on the west side of parking lot off 18th Avenue
    Kanemoto Park in the parking lot off of South Pratt Parkway
    Centennial Park, use the east parking lot off of Alpine Street
    Additionally, Longmont residents can recycle holiday lights, Styrofoam and holiday wrapping paper at the Waste Diversion Facility. In addition, you can recycle your Christmas tree at the Waste Diversion Center. Most trees collected are taken to the Waste Diversion Center and ground into mulch available to residents. A small number of the trees will be placed in lakes within City parks and nature areas to create fish habitats.
  • Louisville, CO - Christmas Tree Recycling - Residents participating in the city-wide solid waste program with Republic Services can dispose of Christmas trees free of charge on their usual compost day during the first and third weeks of January (be sure to check the dates on their website). Trees need to be placed next to the compost bin and must be cut in half (each piece no more than 4 feet in length) and tied together with rope or twine. Trees can also be collected as a bulk item.If you have any questions, contact Republic Customer Service 303.286.5400 (Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 PM) or visit and complete the website contact form.The City's branch recycle site (open the first full weekend of every month will also take Christmas trees from Louisville residents (proof of residency required). For details and directions, visit or call City Forester Chris Lichty on 303.335.4733.The Littleton collection site is located at Cornerstone Park at the southeast corner of W. Belleview Avenue and S. Windermere Street. Access to the site is off of Windermere Street just south of Belleview, with the drop site in the parking lot adjacent to the soccer fields. South Suburban will collect trees at its Willow Springs Service Center (WSSC), 7100 S. Holly Street in Centennial. Both sites are open everyday during daylight hours. All lights, ornaments, nails, and plastic bags must be removed prior to dropping off trees. This drop off site is for Christmas trees only. Do not drop off flocked trees, artificial trees, leaves, branches or other refuse. The trees will be ground into mulch, which will be available free to the public at the sites for as long as the supply lasts. The city also provides free wood mulch throughout the year for pickup by city residents. Call 303-335-4735 for more info.
  • Loveland, CO - Recycling Christmas Trees at Three Convenient Drop-off Sites: (970) 962-2727.) Drop-off sites are open daily from sun-up until sun-down for trees until mid-January. Signs will direct participants to appropriate drop-off areas.
    1. South side: Centennial Park - W. First and Taft Avenue (in the parking lot north of First Street, east of Swift Field).
    2. North side: Kroh Park - North Highway 287 and 52nd Street (adjacent to the Habitat for Humanity location).
    3. West side: Loveland Recycling Center - off First Street & Wilson Avenue - Residents must provide a current Yard Waste Debris Permit in order to dispose of their Christmas tree for free at the Recycling Center.
    The Recycle Center is CLOSED on Mondays, on Christmas, December 25th and New Years Day, 400 N. Wilson Avenue, Loveland, CO 80537, Hours: Tuesday - Sunday; 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, Closed Mondays.
    Regular hours are Tuesday-Sunday, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
    Drop-off sites are open daily from sun-up until sun-down between late December and January 31st. Signs will direct participants to appropriate drop-off areas.
    Please remove all ornaments, tinsel, lights, nails, screws, wire, tree stands and bags before dropping your tree.
    Christmas tree recycling at the two parks locations provides mulch for trees and planter beds in the City parks. Last year, more than 5,000 Christmas trees were chipped and recycled into 500+ cubic yards of mulch. For additional information on the Recycling Center drop-off location, please call: (970) 962-2529. You may also direct questions about the two parks locations to the Parks & Recreation Administration Office at: (970) 962-2727.
  • Montrose, CO - For a month after the holidays, the city of Montrose picks up trees at curbside for recycling. Please call 240-1480 after Christmas to schedule your tree's pick-up. Tree mulch is available free to the public. remove Christmas lights, wires, string, and ornaments from the tree. If transporting the tree in a bag, please remove the tree from the bag before dropping it off.
  • Norwood, CO - A Christmas tree recycling program is not currently available. Residents are encouraged to contact Bruin Waste Management, 970-864-7531, if interested in having one started. remove Christmas lights, wires, string, and ornaments from the tree. If transporting the tree in a bag, please remove the tree from the bag before dropping it off.
  • Paonia, CO - Paonia residents may use the Delta County recycling center at the DSWMA facility listed above. They will pick up your tree if you call and schedule to have your Christmas tree picked up. Please remove Christmas lights, wires, string, and ornaments from the tree. If transporting the tree in a bag, please remove the tree from the bag before dropping it off.
  • Parker, CO - Drop-off dates: December 25 through January 29; Hours: 6 am to 11 pm.. Contact Information: Town of Parker at 303-840-9546.
    Mulch: Available on a self-serve basis on-site while supplies last for the first week in January
    Salisbury Park (East paved parking lot), 12010 S. Motsenbocker Rd.
    The drop-off is available solely for Parker residents to recycle their Christmas trees. Additional yard waste and tree branches are not permitted. No commercial tree lot disposal is allowed as our elves have a hard time removing all of the tags.
    Both green and flocked real trees are accepted. Before dropping off any Christmas trees, please remove all plastic tarps, tree stands and nails, ornaments, lights, garland, and tinsel. No artificial trees, garland or wreathes with wire backing will be accepted. Please drop off during park hours only, 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., and do not illegally dump any other items at the drop-off location.
  • Superior, CO - TREE PICK UP REGISTRATION or Call 303-499-3675. Please remove all decorations, tinsel and ornamentation. Drop off your tree at the Town's Yard Waste site, located at 2125 Honey Creek Lane,open year-round to accommodate the extended Colorado growing season. Days and hours of operation are: Wednesdays 2:00 - 5:00 pm and Saturdays and Sundays 8 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 - 5:00 pm. Contact Town Hall with questions at 303-499-3675.
    Note: in past years Boy Scout Troop 278 would collect the trees at curbside, but there is nothing on their website about it this year, so I assume they are no longer doing this.
  • Westminster, CO - from December 26th to January 24th This lot is self-service, so the hours are flexible. City Park Fitness Center Residents may recycle their Christmas trees at the lower parking lot of City Park Fitness Center. TPlease remove ornaments and plastic bag before disposal. Christmas Tree Recycling: contact Amanda Schreck, 303-658-2192 or [email protected]. .
    Tree Pickup:
    Boy Scout Troop 484 usually (covid changed everything) provides curb-side pickup on two Saturdays in early January as their annual fundraiser. Call 303-706-3389 to schedule a tree pickup.
  • Wheat Ridge, CO - Recycle your Christmas tree with us!
    Tree Recycle December 26th through the end of January. for Wheat Ridge Residents. Tree drop off locations & hours are 7:00am - 6:00pm at:
    East Parking Lot of Anderson Park
    East Parking Lot of Panorama Park by the Ballfields
    Please remove all ornamentation, tree stands, twine, lights, and garland. Yard waste and other yard debris will NOT be accepted.
    Trees are chipped into mulch that is recycled for use in planter beds and around trees in City parks.  The Program is open to City of Wheat Ridge Residents only. No trailers or dump trucks. Drop off only during park hours.

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