How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas TreesWhere and How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees in Arizona after Christmas 2024 and in January 2025

How to Recycle or Dispose of Christmas Trees

In many urban and suburban areas, Christmas trees are collected from curbside during the first 2 weeks in January. Be sure to remove all remove all lights, wire, tinsel, ornaments, nails, stands, other NON-Organic decorative materials and other materials that are not part of the original tree. This includes tree stands also. Flocked trees are usually accepted, but not artificial trees. Large trees (larger than the standard 6 - 7 ft tree) may need to be cut in half to be acceptable by your garbage hauler. But scrroll down this page for more specific information and local links.

What happens to the trees? In most cases, the trees are chipped and made into a mulch which is usually made available, free to city or county residents. Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove. Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and could cause a chimney fire.

Tips: Always follow the links (usually the name of the city or county) below for updated information, as these agencies often wait until the last minute to change dates or update their information (it's government, remember?). If your area is Grinding Christmas trees into mulchnot specifically mentioned below, contact your trash collection agency and inquire!

Related information:

See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights

If it has just snowed; see this page about how to make snocones from real snow! Your kids will love it!

Click here for the list of winter sleigh ride locations!

See our easy recipes to make a Chocolate Yule log and click here to make your own low-fat, low calorie but delicious Egg Nog ! Then come back to our other website in March to find a local Easter Egg Hunt for your children ! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Arizona: Where and How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree After the Holidays January 2025

  • Apache Junction, AZ - Instead of sending a live tree to a landfill, give a gift back by recycling your Christmas tree (treecycle). Residents are asked to remove all nails, stands, tinsel, lights and ornaments from the trees. Flocked and artificial trees will not be accepted because they do not break down in the environment. The city of Apache Junction is participating in this tree recycling effort by providing two free drop-off points in the city. The sites available to accept trees for recycling will be open 24 hours a day for free drop-off through the end of January. Those sites are:
    Paws & Claws Care Center, 725 E. Baseline Ave.
    Prospector Park, 3015 N. Idaho Rd.
    Residents are asked to remove all nails, stands, tinsel, lights and ornaments from trees. Flocked trees will not be accepted because the flocking does not break down in the environment.
    Please direct any questions about this program to the city's Public Works Department at (480) 982-1055..
  • Avondale, AZ - A to Z Equipment Rentals will be recycling Christmas trees for Avondale. Trees can be dropped off at their West Valley location, 803 E. Van Buren Street in Avondale, beginning December 26th to the first Saturday in January. Please remove all stands, ornaments, nails and lights from the tree.Trees may also be left curbside at your home for monthly bulk trash pick-up.
    For more information about Christmas tree recycling, call Avondale's Public Works Department at (623) 333-4700.
  • BuBuckeye, AZckeye, AZ - Remove all decorations, tinsel, tree stand, metal stakes and nails. Bagged trees will not be accepted. For more information, contact: 623-349-6100.
    Curbside collection: This item is accepted for Bulk Trash. Set your bulk pile on your property, next to the street or curb, on the weekend before collection (at least before 5:30 am on your scheduled collection day). For homes with alley trash/recycle collection, place bulk piles next to the road. Bulk piles are NOT collected from the alley.
    Or use Christmas Tree Drop off
    Live Christmas Trees only (no bagged trees). Please bring to one of the City's convenient Depots during select weekends in January. Remove all decorations, tinsel, tree stand, metal stakes and nails.
    Fire Station 701, 404 S. Miller Road
    Fire Station 702, 1911 S. Rainbow Road
    Fire Station 703, 2582 N. Verrado Way
    Fire Station 704, 27360 W. Wagner Complex
    Fire Station 705, 30050 W. Tartesso Parkway
    Drop-off at the Landfill - Residential rate for City of Buckeye residents is (Prices may have changed!) $10.30 for the first 600 lbs. Southwest Regional Landfill
  • Chandler, Arizona - Christmas Tree Collection at the Curb: Christmas trees are collected at the curb on recycling collection days December 26 through mid-January. Set your Christmas tree at the edge of your driveway for collection. DO NOT place trees in your recycling container, in the street.
    DO NOT block sidewalk for pedestrian use
    DO NOT place the tree in street or alleyways
    DO NOT place the tree in a recycling, trash or alley containers
    DO NOT place the tree in bags
    DO remove tree stands, nails, ornaments, garland, lights, etc.Chandler Arizona Christmas Tree recycling drop-off sites
    . Christmas tree drop off sites are available throughout the City December 26 through January 11, and one is likely near you. Follow us on social media to get more holiday tips and timely updates.

    NEIGHBORHOOD DROP-OFF SITES - December 26 through mid-January

    CURBSIDE COLLECTION* - December 26th, through mid-January
    Available to Chandler residents paying for City-provided solid waste services
    Place tree at edge of driveway (not in the street) before 6 am on your scheduled recycling collection day. A separate collection truck will collect trees.
    • DO NOT block sidewalk for pedestrian use
    • DO NOT place the tree in street or alley ways
    • DO NOT place tree in a recycling, trash or alley containers
    • DO NOT place tree in bags
    • DO remove tree stands, nails, ornaments, garland, lights, etc.
    Live potted Christmas trees can be donated for replanting at City parks by calling 480-782-2752.
  • El Mirage -
    Drop-off trees at the Public Works facility at 10355 N. 121st Ave, El Mirage, AZ.
    Curbside collection for residents if trees are placed curbside by 5 a.m. on the Monday following January 1st..
  • Gilbert, AZ - Gilbert is offering the following drop-off locations from Wednesday, December 26th.
    Phone: 480-503-6000. Email: [email protected]. Please note that wreaths, snow-flocked trees and artificial trees are not accepted. Drop-off locations are for Gilbert resident use only.
     Tree Recycling Drop-Off Program will be available starting December 25th at the following locations. Trees must be unbagged. No decorations or tree stands will be accepted.
    • Hetchler Park
      4260 S Greenfield Road,
      December 25th - January 8, 2023, 5:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Daily:
    • Nichols Park
      700 N Higley Road
       December 25th - January 8, 2023, 5:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Daily:
    • A-Z Rentals:
      1313 E Baseline Road
      December 26th - January 7, 2023 ONLY:
      Monday - Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
      Closed Sundays

  • Glendale, AZ - The Solid Waste Department has established drop-off sites for residents to bring trees for recycling from December 26 to mid-January. Please remove all stands, ornaments, tinsel and decorations before dropping off your tree.
    Tree drop locations include:
    • Acoma Park, 53rd Avenue and Acoma Road
    • Fire Station No. 156, 6801 W. Deer Valley Road, Glendale
    • Glendale Heroes Park, 83rd Avenue and Bethany Home Road
    • Foothills Park, 57th Avenue and Union Hills Drive
    • Sahuaro Ranch Park, 9802 N. 59th Avenue, Glendale
    • O'Neill Park, 64th Avenue and Missouri Avenue
    • Rose Lane Park, 51st Avenue and Marlette Avenue
    Curbside Collection: Also, you can leave your tree out for the monthly Bulk Trash collection scheduled for your area. Visit for the schedule.
    More information, call: 623-930-2660.
  • Goodyear, AZ - Drop-Off - Christmas Trees - They don't make the information easy to find. Check their website in early January for changes in dates. Please drop this item off at the listed location. Trees can be brought to any of our four locations from December 26 through early January, on Monday through Saturday. Closed Sundays. Trees will be accepted from 9 pm to 4 pm each day.
    A to Z Rentals - 803 E Van Buren Street, Avondale AZ 85323. Phone: (623) 925-0200
    Special Instructions: One tree per family, all ornaments must be removed from the tree before delivery
    Curbside: residents can place trees at the curb as part of the city's monthly bulk collection day. Please remove all decorations, tree stands and lighting. Trees are chipped and used for mulch and ground cover for a local farm. Please call Goodyear Environmental Services at 623-932-3010 or visit for more information. the tree curbside on their bulk pickup day. To find your bulk pickup day, enter your address at Goodyear, AZ Trash.
    Goodyear residents can drop off trees from 9 am to 4 pm. (except December 31 when dropoff ends at noon) at one of four locations, according to Goodyear Sanitation Services. Goodyear residents may also leave trees at the curb as part of the city's monthly bulk collection day. (The City of Phoenix will also accept trees at various parks as well; check the City's website for details). Only 1 tree per family will be accepted. Decorations and tree stands must be removed.
    803 E. Van Buren Street, southeast corner of Dysart and Van Buren Street.
    Possibly, also the following , but they are not on the city website this year, so CALL first!
    1313 E. Baseline Road, Gilbert
    15634 N. 32nd Street, Phoenix
    4050 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix.
  • Litchfield, AZ - Christmas Tree Recycling - Since the City does not provide curbside pick-up for Christmas trees, residents may drop off their live Christmas trees for recycling beginning December 26 through Monday at beginning of the second week in January (usually that's around January 6, 7 or 8th). Remove all ornaments, garland and icicles from the tree. Do not put the tree in a plastic bag. Potted trees will not be accepted. The drop-off site will be located just east of Litchfield Park's City Hall, 214 W. Wigwam Boulevard. Signage will mark the designated area. If you have questions, contact Public Works at 623-935-1066.
  • Maricopa County - See your specific city.
  • Mesa, AZ - Collected trees are taken to the Salt River Landfill and chipped into nutrient rich mulch and composting products. Benefits from recycling these trees include extending the life of the landfill and reusing natural and limited resources. Please remember to remove all nails, tree stands, lights and decorations. These items damage the grinding equipment. Also, wreaths, snow flocked trees and artificial trees cannot be recycled. Small items can be placed in the black barrel and a bulk item pickup can be requested for larger items.
    Drop-off sites for tree recycling in Mesa will be open December 26 - mid-January. Please remove all ornaments, lights, and stands to avoid damaging recycling equipment. This program is for residential use only.
    Drop-off Collection Sites Tree Recycling Drop-off
    City of Mesa residents are welcome to recycle decorative holiday trees at one of five recycling sites across the city. Recycled trees will be diverted from landfills and processed at green waste facilities. Drop-off locations are open 24-hours December 26th - January 16th. All nails, lights, tree stands, decorations, and bags must be removed prior to drop-off. Prohibited items include: flocked trees, artificial trees, trees from commercial vendors, and wreaths (live or artificial).
    Dobson Ranch Library: 2363 S. Dobson Rd. Mesa, AZ 85202
    Fitch Park: 651 N. Center St. Mesa, AZ 85201
    Mountain View Park: 845 N. Lindsay Rd. Mesa, AZ 85213
    East Mesa Service Center: 6935 E. Decatur St. Mesa, AZ 85207
    Superstition Springs Substation: 2430 S. Ellsworth Rd. Mesa, AZ 85209.,

    ***Drop-off collection sites are for residential use only. Tree lot vendors are prohibited. Vendors are asked to call (480) 644-6789 for recycling options.
    Green Waste Barrel Program - Residents participating in the Green Waste Barrel Program may place their trees inside their green barrel. To ensure collection, the tree must fit completely inside the container with the lid properly closed.
    Curbside Pick-up - Curbside Pick-up
    Curbside pickup of your Christmas tree is available for (Prices may have changed!) . Simply call (480) 644-6789 for more details or to schedule a pickup time. (Unfortunately due to the collection process, trees collected through this curbside option will not be recycled.)
    Salt River Landfill - Christmas trees may be taken directly to the Salt River Landfill with a current Arizona driver's license anytime Monday through Saturday between 6 am and 5 pm during the month of January. The Salt River Landfill is located at Gilbert Road and the Beeline Highway. There is no charge for recycling your tree but a disposal fee will apply if disposing of other materials during the same visit.
    Live Christmas Tree Donation Program - The City of Mesa also accepts the donation of live potted Christmas trees, five feet or taller, for planting at City parks.
  • Peoria, Arizona - City of Peoria encourages residents to recycle Christmas trees. Live trees will be accepted at the various drop-off locations. Remember to remove tree stands, decorations, hooks and lights. Artificial trees or wreaths will not be accepted. Please do not drop off your tree at city parks and vacant lots or leave trees on the curbside.You can drop off your tree from December 26 to Jan. 3 at the locations listed below:
    Peoria Sports Complex - 16101 N 83rd Ave. (Entrance off Paradise Lane)
    Walmart - 7975 W Peoria Ave.
    Walmart - 21655 N Lake Pleasant Pkwy.
    Sunrise Mountain Library - 21109 N 98th Ave. (West side of the parking lot)
    Home Depot - 25650 N Lake Pleasant Rd.
    Home Depot - 9201 W Peoria Ave.
    Lowe's - 8497 W Thunderbird Rd.
  • Phoenix, AZ - Phone: 602-262-6251. Email [email protected]. The Public Works Department offers Phoenix residents a green way to take down their Christmas trees and wreaths. Trees or wreaths may be dropped off at any of the participating Phoenix parks anytime between December 26, and Sunday, in early January. Only live trees and wreaths are accepted, not plastic trees and wreaths. . Drop Off Locations
    North Phoenix
    • Deer Valley Park - 19th Ave. and Utopia Rd.
    • Paradise Valley Park - 40th St. south of Union Hills Dr.
    • Sereno Park - 56th St. and Sweetwater Ave.
    • Cactus Park - 38th Ave. and Cactus Rd.
    • Mountain View Park - Seventh Ave. south of Peoria Ave.
    • North Gateway Transfer Station - 30205 N. Black Canyon Hwy. (Dixileta exit)
    Central Phoenix
    • Marivue Park - 59th Ave. and Osborn Rd.
    • Washington Park - 23rd Ave. and Maryland Ave.
    • Madison Park - 16th St. and Glenrosa Ave.
    • Los Olivos Park - 28th St. and Devonshire Ave.
    • Desert West Park - 67th Ave. and Encanto Blvd.
    South Phoenix
    • El Reposo Park - Seventh St. and Alta Vista Rd.
    • Mountain Vista Park - 50th St. just north of Ray Rd.
    • Desert Foothills Park - Desert Foothills and Chandler Blvd.
    • Cesar Chavez Park - 35th Ave. and Baseline Rd.
    • 27th Avenue Transfer Station - 3060 S. 27th Ave.

    Other Locations, Dates and Times

    Phoenix Residents may bring their Christmas trees to A to Z Equipment Rentals and Sales locations during these dates:
    9 am to 4 pm. from Wednesday, December 26th to Wednesday, January 4
    Open until noon on New Year's Eve, December 31
    Closed on New Year's Day, Tuesday, January 1
    * Trees accepted at no charge, but only one tree per household. Trees must be free from decorations and tree stands. A to Z Equipment Rentals locations:
    4050 E. Indian School Rd.
    15634 N. 32nd St.
    Click here for the complete list of locations. and much more information .
  • Prescott, AZ - The City of Prescott Solid Waste Division will pass through each City neighborhood one time only, the first full week in January. Please have trees curbside by 6 am on your normal collection day and cleared of all decorations and stands. Please do not bag trees. City of Prescott residential solid waste customers may also dispose of their live Christmas trees at the Transfer Station for free anytime after Christmas Day through Saturday in mid-January. No plastic trees will be picked up during this collection. For information, please call 928-777-1116. or see
  • Queen Creen, Arizona - Drop off your tree beginning December 26th through Sunday, in early January (around the 8th to 10th), from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the self-service drop-off area located just south of the Town of Queen Creek's Field Operations Facility, located at 19715 S. 220th Street (on 220th Street, north of Queen Creek Road). All lights, decorations and ornaments must be removed prior to dropping off. See the map on their website for directions to the drop-off location (indicated by the Christmas tree icon). Please note, the QC Recycles event is separate from the Self-Service Christmas Tree drop-off. For more information on the QC Recycles event, please visit
  • Scottsdale, Arizona - CHRISTMAS TREE ROUND-UP. The City is offering two ways for you to dispose of your unwanted live Christmas trees or wreaths.
    Phone: 480-312-5600. See their website in January,
    Beginning Friday, Jan. 6, 2023 and ending Monday, Jan. 16, the City of Scottsdale Solid Waste Services is offering two ways for you to dispose of your unwanted live Christmas trees or wreaths. Untreated real Christmas trees or wreaths (unwired) will be made into compost and save landfill space.
    Option #1:
    Dropping them off at 1 of the 7 following locations:
    • Cactus Park (Cactus Rd and Scottsdale Rd - southwest corner of the parking lot.)
    • Chaparral Park (Hayden Rd and Jackrabbit Rd - in the parking lot west of the soccer fields.)
    • Eldorado Park (77th Street and McDowell Road - in the parking lot east of the soccer fields.)
    • Horizon Park (North of Thompson Peak PKWY on 100th St - near the baseball field round-a-bout.)
    • Scottsdale Ranch Park (104th Street and Via Linda - in the parking lot west of the basketball courts.)
    • Scottsdale Sports Complex (Bell Rd and 82nd St. - in the parking lot east of the soccer fields.)
    • Thompson Peak Park (Thompson Peak Parkway and Hayden Road - in the north east parking lot.)
    City of Scottsdale will provide roll-off containers that are yellow in color and labeled for your disposal convenience
    Option #2:
    Single-family home residents can place Christmas trees in your green waste pile, separate from your bulk trash, for collection in your scheduled Brush/Bulk service week.
    Please no artificial trees! Remove all stands, lights and ornaments.
  • Surprise, Arizona - The City of Surprise offers several Christmas Tree disposal sites. The drop-off period runs December 26th to around January 8 to 10th (see their website in January). Please remove all decorations and place trees in designated areas only. Limit - two trees per household. Drop-off locations:
    Gaines Park 15837 N. Nash Street (north end of the parking lot)
    Surprise Recreation Campus/ Youth Baseball Complex 15795 N. Parkview Place (across from Valley Vista High School)
    Dick McComb Softball Park 17894 Westpark Blvd (parking lot on corner of 180th Ave & Westpark)
    Asante Community Park 16763 W Vereda Solana Dr
  • Tempe, AZ - Keep your holiday tree out of the landfill! Drop it off at the Compost Yard or Kiwanis Park Recreation Center instead so it can be recycled.
    Compost Yard, North Rio Road Tempe, AZ 85281 (Intersection of Hardy Drive and Rio Salado Parkway)
    Kiwanis Park Recreation Center, 6111 W. All-America Way (parking lot on west side)
    Trees can be dropped off, after Christmas Day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week through January 31st. Please remove tree stands and nails, ornaments, lights, garland, and tinsel so the tree can be composted. Please do not place trees in garbage containers. This takes the space needed for household garbage and creates spillage when the containers are emptied.
    If you are unable to drop off your tree, you can recycle it in your green organics pile. Check your Tempe AZ Bulk Trash and Green Organics Schedule here. Please make sure you follow the program guidelines and keep the tree in your yard until the weekend before your scheduled collection.
    For more information call Tempe 311 at 480-350-4311.
  • Tucson, Arizona - TreeCycle - The program begins on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 and continues through Monday, January 16, 2023. TreeCycle sites are located throughout Tucson and Oro Valley (see list of TreeCycle sites below).. TreeCycle collection sites are located throughout Tucson and Oro Valley (see list of TreeCycle sites below).. The city does not collect Christmas trees from curbs and alleys. Residents must bring their trees to one of the free program's 12 drop- off locations. Additionally, from January 2 through mid-January, the City of Tucson will have wood chips from shredded Christmas trees available for pick-up at the Los Reales Landfill. Bring your own container and take home some free Merry Mulch for your garden. The chips help soil to retain moisture.
    The following TreeCycle sites are open during daylight hours; please check the schedule for each site. (Most are open seven days a week.) Other green waste cannot be accepted at TreeCycle sites. Commercial tree lot overages are not accepted at TreeCycle sites, except for Los Reales Landfill at posted landfill rates.
    Questions? Call the Recycling InfoLine at 791-5000 or visit the ES website

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